1.The studies should be sent to Uruguayan Society of
Anesthesiology, Editorial Council: Luis Alberto de Herrera 1483, CP
11600, Montevideo –Uruguay.
2.All authors shall sign a forwarding letter with the intention of
publication and granting the exclusiveness for Anestesia Analgesia
Reanimación. That may be sent in a different page.
3.In case of article´s approval, that will be consider as a
propierty of the Society of Anesthesiology and cannot be presented in
other publication without permission. Articles published in other
journals will not be accepted, with the exception of those which are of
the interest of the review with all the permissions (authors and
4.The article should be sent in spanish with two(2) printed copies,
typed in double space with print : Times New Roman 12. Margins shall be
at least 2.5 cm from the left border. A mail copy has to be sent to :
5.All articles will be previously submitted to the analysis of
Editorial Council, whom evaluated presentation and contents, and they
are designed with letters and numbers. When accepted, they will be
subjected to minor correction or changes. The article will be send
to 2 members of the Sicientific Board and each one
and blind has to take one of the following :
a. approval without modifications
b. accepted with corrections, not
modifying the
author´s style
c. denied, (if that the article will be
returned to
the author)
6.In all cases comments may be sent to the author (whom are blind of
the referees)
7.The article will not be accepted if the author do not follow the
Instructions for publication
Original article
The text should be divided into chapters, and begin each one in a new
First page :
Article´s title, Subtitle
Name of each author
Name of the place of work
Name, address, e-mail of the author
responsible of
the study
Footnotes with the degree of the each
author with
the following signs : * † ‡ §
║ **
†† ‡‡
If any grant for the article, has to be
noted as a
Second page :
Summary in spanish, with a maximum of 250 words, with
intoduction, material and methods, results, and conclusions.
Key words in spanish.
Third Page :
Summary in english with the key words
The sections are : Intoduction, Material and Methods ( with Etics and
Statistics), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Thanks, Bibliography.
Starting a new page : the article shall contain only
references consulted, which shall be numbered as they enter the text.
author(s) lastname, Initial(s), paper´s
title (abbreviated according to Index Medicus), year of
publication;volume: number of first and last pages.
monographies : author (s) lastname, initial
title, subtitle,volumen number, edition city of publication,Editorial ,
author(s) lastname(s),initial(s).Title.Edition (if it is the first one
could not be printed).Place of publication : editor,date, p.before the
initial page.Qouted pages.
The initial name is the author of the chapter, the title and then the
complete reference of the book, preceded with the latin
author : the organization responsable of the study.
language is mandatory in the references. Journal,year,volume,pages.
: author(s),title,title of the
congress(number),place(publication),society or entity responsable of
the organization,editorial;year, initial and final pages(with a
p.before the number).
: Author.Title. Abbreviated name of the Journal (type of electronic
soport) year (access date):volume(number):pages or the indication of
extension. URL.
(www) : if is not printed y only with web access : Author(s).Title
(type of resource).Year : (number of pages or screen available).
Obtention : URL. Date of access.
h. Informatic
: Author.Title.(type of resource).Version.Place:Editorial;year
It should include people who have worked but did not meet the criteria
of the authors, such as technical support, help in writing the
manuscript, or general support from the management. Also included here
is the financial and material resources received.
Start a new page,each one in a separate page,with arabic numbers (in
order of citation in the text) and a short title. The explanations had
to be mentioned as a footnote, as the same as the
abbreviations.Identifed statistical measures.
The have to be well defined, no more of 20 per 25.The number should be
as they are mentioned in the text, with arabic numbers as a footnote.
Pictures of the persons could not be identified, unless the author has
a written consent from the patient.
Colour´s pictures are in charge of the author, unless the
Editorial production considered that has to be included in that way,
and could afford it.
The author can not used abbreviations neither in the title not in the
summary. The recommendation is those recognized by the International
System of Weights and Measures.When there are a large number of
relevant abbreviations, their definitions should be present in a
separate page as the Glossary.
If in the text the author use for the first time an abbreviation, this
had to be preceded to the complete word(s), with the exception of a
standard unit.
Avoid the use of patients´names, initials, name of the
or recorded number. Patients cannot be identified , unless they
signature a written consent. The author should mentioned they have used
the Ethical Normatives from the Hospital Commitee or they had followed
the Helsinski Delaration (revision in 1983).
Tables or illustrations from other books or journals may have the
written consent of the editor´s and authors.
Animal experiences should followed the National Research Council or a
National law about animal protection(had to be written).
Clinical Case
Descriptions of case reports. Should have : Summary (and key words),
Introduction, Description of case (s), Discusion and Conclusions. These
ones had to be short and concrete. No more thah 6 authors, as well as 6
pages. Total of tables or illustrations : six(6).
It have to be well described (in material and methods), the way of
looking for, select and collect the informmation. Those
had also to be mentioned in the summary. Key words.Maximum extention 20
pages, with no more of 15 tables or illustratons in total.
The chapters and bibliography similar as in an original article.
Letters to the
Editorial Council
It will be accepted short and constructive comments, with no more of 2
pages, 5 references and key words included.
Meetings comments
As in the previous topics, with key words, references (no more than 7)
and an extension of no more to 4 pages.
Special Articles
These are the ones that are speciality related, but are not mentioned
in the above items.
To published them, they have to contain key words.
Not matching the others cathegories, but interesting for the speciality.
The Editorial Council of Anestesia Analgesia
does not accept any responsability of the author´s oppinions
or statements published in their works.