Objective: contribute and stimulate the field of biomedical academic publications worldwide, publishing original articles of research and professional practice in medicine and related professions, as well as various articles, such as reviews and others, aimed at improving public health and facilitating the Communication of knowledge and experiences among teachers, students and professionals. |
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Uruguay, (AnFaMed) publishes scientific, review and opinion articles, case reports, narratives or reports, in all areas of biomedical and health sciences. The types of notes that are published are described in this document and in "Section Policies". Our journal does not have any type of charges for the authors,
that is, there are no costs for sending articles to be evaluated, nor
for article processing, nor for subscription, nor any other type of
cost. The Journal uses plagiarism detection methods: Similarity Check (Crossref). In order to submit articles for consideration by the editorial
committee of the journal, it is essential to meet the following
requirements: It is recommended to carefully read the specifications of each type of article, or style, in order to choose the most appropriate and, thus, expedite the evaluation process. This indication does not imply that all these styles will be represented in each number or exclude articles that do not correspond to them and deserve to be considered for their quality. Instructions for Authors A) In order to submit an article online to AnFaMed you must send an email to and obtain access credentials. If you already have an account, you must access the OJS site B) The following text includes instructions to authors on how to prepare and submit their article for publication in AnFaMed. Scientific article This section will publish original scientific articles, ie those that present the results of research that are governed by the scientific method. Typically a scientific paper consists of four essential parts: introduction, methodology (materials and methods), results and discussion (presented in individual sections or in a single section) and conclusions. Format: An extension of the text of between 10,000 and 20,000 characters with spaces is considered adequate .. Title The title must be presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese. If the title exceeds twelve words, a short title should be included. Summary Papers should include a summary in English, Spanish and Portuguese of no more than 250 words each. The summary should briefly describe the purposes of the study or research, materials and methods (selection of study subjects or laboratory animals, methods of observation and analysis), results and discussion (providing specific data and statistical significance, provided Possible), and the main conclusions. The most innovative and relevant observations and aspects of the study should be highlighted. The format of the abstract is an entire text, without subtitles, of one or two paragraphs. No acronyms should be included in the summary Keywords At the end of the summary, authors must provide at least five keywords that will help to properly index the article, allowing appropriate crosses to search. They should also include these in English and Portuguese. Introduction It should present a brief review of the previous work related to the topic to investigate and finalize with the justification and the objectives of the investigation. The introduction will not include data or conclusions of the work being published. Provide only strictly relevant references. Ethical standards When experiments on humans are presented, it must be indicated whether the procedures followed were approved by the appropriate ethics committee. Data should not be used to identify the patient. In the case of animal experiments, it shall be indicated whether the national legislation in force has been followed. Materials and methods In this section, the materials (animals, laboratory implements) used in the development of the work should be described in a clear, concise and sequential manner, in addition to the procedures or protocols followed for their selection, and the experimental design chosen for the statistical treatment Of the data. Identify age, sex, and other important characteristics of subjects. Since the definition and relevance of race and ethnic background are ambiguous, authors should be especially careful when employing such categories. The information provided should allow other researchers to reproduce the experiment in detail. To do this, identify the methods, instruments (indicating in parentheses the name and address of the manufacturer) and procedures, in sufficient detail to allow the reproduction of the results by other researchers. Indicate references to established methods, including statistical methods. Provide references and a brief description of methods that have been published but are not well known. Describe new or substantially modified methods, giving reasons for using them and assessing their limitations. Identify accurately all drugs and chemicals used, including the generic name, dose, route of administration, and source. Controlled clinical trial reports should provide information on all major elements, including protocol (population studied, interventions or exposures, results and the basis of statistical analysis), allocation of interventions (randomization methods, concealment of allocation to Treatment groups) and the method used to blind the study. The statistical methods used should be clearly marked with the corresponding reference. This section may have subtitles and should not include any results or discussion of the findings. Results In this section the results should be described in a logical order and in an objective and sequential way, based on tables and images. This section may also include subtitles and should not include discussion of submitted data. Discussion The discussion should be a synthesis of the confrontation of the data obtained in the study with respect to the relevant scientific literature that also interprets the similarities or contrasts found. It should also include an analysis of the scope of the findings and their limitations, including the implications for future research and linking the observations to other relevant studies. It will focus on the interpretation of the experimental findings and will not repeat the data presented in the introduction nor the information provided in the results. It should establish a relationship between the conclusions and the objectives of the study, but avoiding unstated statements and conclusions not fully supported by the data. In particular, authors should avoid making claims about economic benefits and costs, unless their articles include economic data and analysis. Avoid claiming priorities and referring to unpublished works. Expose new hypotheses when they are justified, but clearly state them as such. Recommendations may be included where appropriate. The sections corresponding to results and discussion can be combined into one. CONCLUSIONS In this section, the most relevant findings of the research are related, that is, those that constitute a significant contribution for the advancement of the thematic field explored, and considerations about possible or necessary future research. Thanks If it is considered necessary, important contributions to the conception, financing or carrying out of the research are appreciated: financiers, specialists, commercial firms, official or private entities, associations of professionals and field and laboratory workers. References They will be indicated with Arabic numbers consecutively and in the order in which they appear for the first time within the text. In the case of references with multiple authors, only the first six followed by "et al." Or "et al." Should be noted. Examples of references to articles published in periodicals Personal author · Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med 2002 Jul; 347 (4): 284-7. More than six authors · Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002; 935 (1-2): 40-6. Organization as author · Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002; 40 (5): 679-86. Number with part Ahrar K, Madoff DC, Gupta S, Wallace MJ, Price RE, Wright KC. Development of a large animal model for lung tumors. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2002; 13 (9 Pt 1): 923-8. Volumeless edition · Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop. 2002; (401): 230-8. Examples of book references: Personal author · Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002. Editor, compiler as author · Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. Chapter of the book · Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113. Conference Proceedings · Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumors V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumor Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Sprin For more information, consult the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: "Uniform requirements for preparing manuscripts provided for publication in biomedical journals", available in Spanish at the following link: Http:// Appendix, page 25 Last revision of the translation: July 30, 2012, accessed October 1, 2013. Boards Excessive tables should be avoided. If you have a lot of data in a table, it is recommended to divide it into two or more tables. Each table must have a short and explanatory title, without abbreviations that will go to the foot of the table. Any essential explanation to understand the table must be presented in the legend next to the title. Column headings should be brief but sufficiently explanatory. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and reference should be made in the text to each of the tables presented. In addition the tables must be sent in the files with which they were constructed, for example the file Open Office, Word or Excel. Figures (pictures or graphics) Images should be sent in jpg or png formats with a minimum of 300 dpi resolution in the size that would go into the article (8.5 cm wide if it is in a column). Graphs must be presented in two dimensions if two variables are plotted. The colors to be used must be in the celestial tones. In case you need to make modifications, they should be sent next to the file with which they were built, for example the Excel file, or similar. The texts, legends, below the figure should explain any symbology, methods of staining and / or scale in which they were taken when they so require and should indicate the source or authorship of the image. If the figures were taken from another magazine should be obtained the permits for their use. Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, and reference should be made in the text to each of the images or graphs presented. Review article Review articles will only be accepted for publication when requested by the Editorial Board. Even so, the authors can propose themes indicating the purpose of the review, sources and reference search methods. The Editorial Board will evaluate the proposals and determine if possible its development and inclusion in the journal. These unsolicited revisions will follow the peer review procedure. These articles summarize, analyze, synthesize and update, in a critical way, information on a topical medical, technological or health topic of great interest at the regional or international level. Ideally, a review should also present proposals for new topics to be investigated. The authors should be specialists in the subject and the text should include a comprehensive and up-to-date bibliographic review. Format: An extension of the text of between 15,000 and 100,000 characters with spaces and no more than 150 bibliographic references is considered adequate. They must also send a title in English and a short title of no more than 50 characters. Font and font will always be Times New Roman 11. It should include a short abstract of no more than 250 words and its translation into English. They must also send a title in English and a short title of no more than 50 characters. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Letters from readers It is a section open to all readers of AnFaMed so they can send their opinions, observations or experiences that complement or discuss articles published in the last two issues. When appropriate, they should be accompanied by the bibliography that substantiates their opinions, but should not include more than 5 quotations. They should be directed to the director of AnFaMed and will be written in letter form, developing the approach of the problem, its discussion and the conclusion with its recommendation. The letters will be published, summarized and edited, if necessary, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Letter format: An extension of the text of no more than 5,000 characters with spaces is considered adequate. Font and font will always be Times New Roman 11. 1 figure or 1 table will be supported. Answers: AnFaMed editorial policy allows the authors to respond. Format of the author's response: In this case an extension of the text of no more than 2,500 characters with spaces is considered adequate. Clinical cases Clinical case articles should be ordered descriptions of both events occurring to a patient in the course of an illness - symptoms, medical signs - and complementary data provided by diagnostic procedures, the course of clinical reasoning, the conclusion Diagnostic, and then a discussion and analysis of the case, in addition to the treatment used and the evolution of the patient. The report of a clinical case may contain a demographic profile of the patient, and usually describes their socio-cultural situation but, since the definition and relevance of race and ethnic background are ambiguous, authors should be especially careful when using such categories. Only those cases that, because of their diagnostic interest, rarity of observation, or obvious interest, deserve to be considered for publication. The structure of the text will be as follows: summary, introduction, clinical history, discussion and references and a maximum of 3 tables and / or images can be included. The generalities of the case are included in the introduction. The discussion should be as concise as possible and related to the case analyzed. The tables and / or figures should refer specifically to the most important aspects of the case. The maximum number of authors will be 4. Format: An extension of the text of between 5,000 and 10,000 characters with spaces and no more than 15 bibliographic references is considered adequate. Font and font will always be Times New Roman 11. It should include a short abstract of no more than 250 words and its translation into English. They must also send a title in English and a short title of no more than 50 characters. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Short communication These are texts with a brief development on a specific topic that the author presents for his knowledge and discussion. Included here are casuistic studies and descriptions of new techniques or devices, endorsed by conclusive experimental works and that mean a real contribution to scientific knowledge. The structure should include summary, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, summary, acknowledgments where appropriate, and references. Format: An extension of the text of between 5,000 and 10,000 characters with spaces and no more than 15 bibliographic references is considered adequate. The font and font will always be Times New Roman 11. Up to 2 pictures and 2 tables will be supported. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Editorial An editorial can be written by members of the Editorial Board, members of the Advisory Council or a special guest chosen by the Editorial Board. The opportunity and authorship of the editorials, as well as their general guidelines, are exclusively at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The editorial will deal with general aspects of articles or topics published in AnFaMed that, due to their importance and relevance, deserve the opinion of the Editorial Board. In general lines they consist of comments of general interest in the Health area and of the content of the particular edition of the magazine. Format: An extension of the text of between 5,000 and 10,000 characters with spaces and no more than 10 bibliographic references is considered adequate. Font and font will be Times New Roman 11. Miscellaneous This section may include, but not be limited to, texts with the following characteristics: Imágenes biomédicas They may correspond to photographic images of, for example, illustrative lesions in patients or experimental animals, microorganisms in culture media, fresh examinations or colorings, observed with the naked eye or under light, electron or fluorescence microscopy. They may also be radiographic and ultrasound images, CT scans, nuclear magnetic resonance, etc. These images will be selected for their didactic and documentary value. Format: Must be accompanied by an explanatory text of no more than 200 words explaining the importance of the image, with no more than 3 recent bibliographical references, and with arrows, where applicable. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Historical review Brief accounts of the history of medicine or related professions. It may be a review of a historical moment in relation to anecdotal or biographical facts or an important advance of knowledge. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Debates Sustained presentations of opinions that enrich knowledge and decision in areas of interest to public health. Our teachers Short stories or interviews with teachers who work in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Republic or work in other institutions. It is a sketch designed to highlight the biography of a contemporary Uruguayan doctor whose work has had a significant influence on the medical life of the country and / or the international arena. Reflections of a specialist on the present and future of his specialty. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Professional Responsibility Reviews of medical demand cases, with the consequent reflection on the teaching offered to the student and the professional. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Art and medicine Stories, interviews, reports of exhibitions, etc., linked to art and medicine. News and perspectives News of local interest, or worldwide if the news warrants it, with brief comments. Format: An extension of the text of between 5,000 and 12,000 characters with spaces and no more than 10 bibliographic references is considered adequate. Font and font will be Times New Roman 12. Information on the requirements of references, tables and figures can be found in "Original Articles" Peer review Articles that are accepted for evaluation will be sent to the same by the editor corresponding to a minimum of two anonymous expert reviewers, who will recommend to you if the article can be accepted, must be reviewed, or rejected, in accordance with AnFaMed editorial policies . In the event of a split decision by the evaluators, a review shall be sought from a third person, who may be one of the associate editors or other investigator considered by the Executive Committee to be valid. Ultimately it will be the Editorial Board in full that determines the inclusion or rejection of the document. If the articles are accepted for publication, authors must correct them in accordance with the observations of the reviewers and the Executive Committee, within the time granted for them. Observations that are not accepted by the authors should be commented with an appropriate support, which will be evaluated by the corresponding editor. The publisher and the Executive Committee reserve the right to refuse or accept materials submitted for publication. If the article is finally accepted for publication, the author will be given the AnFaMed number in which it will be included. Prior to publication, a copy will be sent to you for final review. Checklist for shipment preparation As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission complies with all of the following. Authors who do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to authors. The article, or important parts of it, is unpublished and has not been sent for consideration to other magazines or technical-scientific publications simultaneously with the submission to AnFaMed, nor will it be sent pending the decision of the AnFaMed editors. (If it has been published as a thesis or as a summary in a congress, indicate it with the corresponding data in "Comments to the editor" below on this page) Each of the authors of the article sent has contributed directly to the intellectual content of the article, both in the genesis and in the analysis of their data, so that it is able to become publicly responsible for it and accepts that its name appears in the List of authors. All those who have contributed to the accomplishment of this work appear as co-authors or among the acknowledgments. All co-authors (if any) have seen and approved the final version of the article and agree to the submission for publication on AnFaMed. The ethical control requirements have been fulfilled to carry out the work described in the article. The text of the article is presented in the font Times New Roman, has a simple line spacing, a font size of 11 points, and all texts under the figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of text. The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions described in "Guidelines for authors" in "About" the journal. The upload file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format. The figures have been sent as complementary files in image formats, png, jpg, bpm, etc. Of 300 dpi in a width of 8cm. Copyright Notice All the contents of the magazine are distributed under the license: Creative Commons License Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International. Readers can: read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles. Privacy statement The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes. |
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