ISSN 0250-3816 printed version
ISSN 1688-423X online version




The papers may be e-mailed to:; ; Telefax 2707 9109; via registered mail  or personally to: Prof. Dr. Alfredo Alvarez Rocha, Clínica Médica “A”, Hospital de Clínicas, Piso 11, Av. Italia s/n, 11600 Montevideo,
The present norms are in accordance with the Uniform Requirements to prepare essays submitted to Bio-medic Magazines CIDRM, Arch Med Interna 1991; XIII: 115-122. (JAMA 1993 Ma5 5; 269: 2282-6) 2000 Vancouver style.

1. The works must be accompanied by a cover letter signed by the authors that are shown in the work, expressing their desire to publish it and stating the names, last names, and complete address. Furthermore, it must be accompanied by an authorization of the chief of the center where the work was made.

2. The papers received will be evaluated by the Steering Committee and the Scientific Committee only if they meet the requirements for publication. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by capable professionals appointed by the Steering Committee, who, jointly with the Admissions Committee, conduct a double blind review of the manuscripts. The papers approved are then reviewed by the Scientific Secretariat for style correction.

3. All the originals accepted for their publication will remain property of magazine ARCHIVOS de MEDICINA INTERNA and will not be able to be reproduced, partial or totally without authorization. Works that has been previously published or presented to another magazine will not be accepted. This does not prevent the consideration of works previously presented and rejected by another magazine or a complete communication generally done under the shape of summary or a preliminary report.

4. The magazine ARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA INTERNA has the following sections:
Originals Articles
Works of clinical research (patients or animals of laboratory). The maximum extension will be 15 pages, double space. Up to 7 figures and 7 tables will be admitted.
Its maximum extension is up to 20 pages, double space, with 7 figures and 7 tables as maximum.
Letters to director
In this section of the Magazine will accept short communications (maximum extension 2 pages), containing a maximum of 5 bibliographical quotes, where recently published articles can be commented or observations can be exposed and experiences that can be summarized in a short text. 
Case Report
Description of specific clinical cases of special interest. The maximum extension of the text will be 6 pages, double space, with a maximum of 2 figures and 7 tables.

5. The works must be typed, in papers size DIN A-4, written only on one side of the page and the consecutively numbered pages in which the name of the author does not appear nor the Center’s name, where the work was made. The presentation will be in a CD, identified with a label reading: title, authors and name of the file. The text will be separated from the rest of the graphic elements; they can be sent via e mail.

6. On the first page of the work will be indicated, in the established order, the following data: title of the article that will be in the way the norm indicates, short but representative of the article, name and last names of the authors, complete name of the Center of work. It must include: name, address, phone number, fax, author’s e mail address to which correspondence should be sent or requests of issues of the work. The references to the positions that the authors have will be in the photo notes, indicating them with one or more stars the place of each signal.

7. It is convenient to divide the texts in parts, being advisable the following setting:

a) Summary. It must be in a separate sheet of paper and its extension must be of approximately 150 words. It must establish the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and conclusions of the study; each in concrete terms. It must be in Spanish and English.
b) Key word. The authors will submit a list of 3 to 10 words of short phrases (describers) with the aim to ease the introduction of the article in the national or international repertoire of medical bibliography. Use preferably the terms mentioned in Medical Subject Headings, the Index Medicus (consult BINAME). It must be in Spanish and English.
c) Introduction. It must be clear and concise, establishing the purpose of the work. Summarize the logical reasoning of the study or observation, based in the necessary and pertinent bibliography. The introduction must facilitate the understanding of the text to the reader. It must not include data or conclusions of the work that is introducing.
d) Methods and materials. It must provide enough details so a particular experience can be reproduced based on this information, describing clearly the selection of the observed subjects and its participation in the experiments (being patients or animals), identification of methods, apparatus and procedure, new references must be provided, identify medicines or chemical products, doses, ways of administration, etc.
e) Results. It must be stated, but not interpreted the observations made with the materials and methods used, these can be published in detail in the text by tables or figures, trying not to repeat on it the data presented on the tables, highlight or summarize only the most important observation.
f) Discussion and comments. The author or authors will try to offer their own opinions about the topic. They will focus on those new and important aspects of the study, and on the conclusions deriving from them. Is highlighted here: the meaning and practical application of the results; considerations about the possible inconsistencies en the methodology and the reasons that the results must be valid; the relation with similar publications and comparisons among the areas of agreements and disagreements, and the directions and instructions for future investigations. Non finished works will not be published. It is important the proposal of new hypothesis but to also identify them clearly as such.
g) Thanks. When considered of order, the persons and entities that have collaborated will be mentioned. Include the relation to these persons that have collaborated, but that don’t fill the criteria to be an author, such as technical assistance received, help in the drafting of the work, or general support by the chief of the department. Material means and financial funding will also be included in the thanking part.

Abbreviations. Use only normalized abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the titles and in the summary. When the abbreviation is used for the first time, it will be preceded by the full term, except when it is a common measurement unit.

8. Bibliography. Number the quoted bibliography consistently with the order in which it was mentioned for the first time in the text. The references are indentified by Arabic numbers between brackets in SUPERINDEX, if they are discontinued: separate by commas: (1, 3, 6,
9), continued by a dash: (1-4). This numeration will be the same throughout the article whether it goes accompanied by the names of the authors or not. When these are mentioned, if it is a work written by two authors, both will be mentioned, if they are various the first will be mentioned followed by the expression et al.
It cannot be used as bibliographic quotes “non published observations”, or “personal communication”, however these can be quoted within the text. The originals accepted but not published are included in the bibliographic quotes as “in press”, specifying the name of the magazine followed by “in press” (between brackets)
The bibliographic quotes will be named in the following order: a) the names must be included when they are 6 or less, if they are 7 or more the first name will be mentioned and the expression et al; b) complete title of the article in the original language; c) abbreviated title of the magazine (consult the Index Medicus), and d) year of publication, number of volume and first and last page of the work. It is crucial to reveal carefully all the required data. A larger detail can be attained at www.archmedinterna/

The authors’ last names must be in capitals and lower case and indicate their initials. Do not use unnecessary stops and commas. (see examples)

Magazine examples:
Cooper R. Combination chemotherapy in hormona resistant breast cancer. Proc Amer Ass Cancer Res 1969;10:15-18
Ascaso J, Madrid J. Martínez Alls J. Serrano S. Carmena R. Alteraciones en las lipoproteínas de alta densidad en pacientes diabéticos. Med Clín 1979; 73(3):133-140.

Magazine article on Electronic format:
Author. Title. Abbreviated name of the magazine (type of support, year, date of access, volume, number, pages, indicators of extension. Available at www……

Book examples:
If a book or monographic work is quoted this order should be followed: Name of the author/s. (Last names, first name initial). Book title. Edition (2nd ed. – 2nd ed.). Place of publication (City): Editorial; year and edition

Chapter of book:
Same as in the books, plus: p. initial-final page of chapter

Buti Ferret M. Hepatitis vírica aguda. En: Rodés Teixidor J, Guardia Massó J. Medicina Interna. Barcelona: Masson; 1997. p. 1520-1535

9. Illustrations (figures). The Magazine will print illustrations in black and white or in color, if the example requires it. The photographs will be of good quality or in informatics file, especially the photographic copies of x-rays.
In informatics file, submit the originals of the figures directly in the format of the original program in which they were created (for example: Photoshop, Corel Draw, Power Point, Excel, Illustrator, Free Hand) WITHOUT PUTTING THEM IN THE TEXT, that will only carry the normal mention simply to locate them. The design must be simple and its sole observation must allow to understand what is that is intended to show with it. The complex graphics that cannot be interpreted except if one reads the text, must be avoided. Use patterns, NOT COLORS in your design given that they will be printed in black and white. For the same reason it is advisable to eliminate graphic backgrounds in graphics.
If submitted in paper both photographs and graphics will have a maximum size of 9 by 12cm, and must be identified the reverse side (with adhesive printed label) in the following fashion:

Author’s name. Title of work.

Figure Num. (Indicate with an X the real right corner of the figure). The photography and graphics must be numbered in correlative order and together, according to their first mention in the text. When the illustrations have captions, these will be typed on a separate page.

The tables will be presented in separate pages, numbered with roman numbers and with its title. The abbreviations used must be accompanied with a clarifying note at the photo note place of the page. The illustrations must be submitted all together and clips, staples must not be placed on them so not to ruin them.

10. The author, or the first author in various cases, will receive 10 issues of its work for free. If a higher number of issues are desired, they must be requested when the originals are sent at the author’s expense.

11. The Writer Committee will inform the reception of the works sent to the Magazine as soon as possible, the acceptance and approximate date of publication will be informed. Said Committee reserves the right to suggest the modifications to the originals that deems necessary.

12. The Direction and the Writer Committee of the magazine ARCHIVOS MEDICINA INTERNA does not accept any responsibility regarding the points of view and statements made by the authors on their works.

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