Print version ISSN 1510-5091 On-line version ISSN 1688-8626
1. Focus
and scope
de la Comunicación is a refereed, open access and non-profit academic
journal published since 1998 by the Universidad ORT Uruguay.
journal's purpose focuses on the publication of original articles and/or
reviews and the dissemination of interviews, essays and research results in the
field of communication and related disciplines, with special attention to
social mediatisation processes and the study of contemporary media phenomena.
The content aims at researchers, teachers, undergraduate and graduate
university students and everyone with an interest in all areas of
communication. The published manuscripts are firstly reviewed by the directors
of the journal, the Associate Editors, the Academic Committee –made up of
experts from different countries– and the Guest Editor of each issue, and are
subsequently evaluated through the double-blind system with the intervention of
external referees.
From the
second semester of 2024, the journal InMediaciones de la Comunicación adopts
the continuous publication system with thematic biannual calls. This modality
allows the editorial process of the postulated papers to be faster: that is,
all articles accepted in the peer evaluation process are immediately published
in the website, with the idea that they will be quickly visible and citable.
The journal receives contributions written in Spanish, English and Portuguese
and the author does not pay any cost for the processing or publication of the
papers. InMediaciones de la Comunicación is published in print
and digital formats and carries out an editorial policy that conforms to the
international standards of academic journals.
Since its
inception, InMediaciones de la Comunicación has committed to
the promotion of open publication of papers derived from quality research,
fostering an approach to the processes of social mediatization and
issues that cross the field of communication. Over the years, it has had
contributions from renowned researchers and academic referents, who contributed
their views on the debates raised by the permanent renewal of contemporary
communicational phenomena.
Identification / Publishing Entity
de la Comunicación is owned by the Universidad ORT Uruguay.
address: Avenida Uruguay 1185, Montevideo, Uruguay.
printed version 1510-5091 // ISSN 1688-8626 (online)
Director: Lautaro Cossia //
Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad ORT Uruguay / Contact email:
3. Sponsorship
de la Comunicación belongs institutionally to the Universidad ORT
Uruguay and is published by the Faculty of Communication. It is a
non-profit publication. The financial support of the magazine is provided
entirely by the Universidad ORT Uruguay.
Advertising, social media and marketing use policies
The journal has the following
social media: X (formerly
Twitter), Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
These social networks, as well as the communications carried out through the
journal's email, are used only as a means for advertising new calls for papers,
communicating publications of new articles and to give information on the
topics developed in the different issues. In this sense, we ensure that the
marketing actions and information provided are truthful and not misleading for
both authors and readers. Publications on social media made on behalf of the
journal are open and can be commented on by its followers.
5. Indexing
and visibility
de la Comunicación is part of the Uruguayan Association of Academic Journals (AURA)
and is incorporated into SciELO-Uruguay (Scientific
Electronic Library On Line). It is cited in Latindex (Regional
Online Information System for Latin American Scientific Journals), DOAJ (Directory
of Open Access Journals), PKP-INDEX (Public Knowledge Project), ERIH
Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and
Social Sciences) and Clase (Latin
American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities). In addition, it is
included in different repositories or international content aggregators that
allow the published materials to be made visible. Among them: Dialnet, REDIB, LatinREV, MIAR, Google
Essentials, WorldCat and REDALyC.
articles and volumes have individual DOI (Digital Object Identifier) by
1. Open
access, copyright and originality policy
de la Comunicación provides free and immediate access to its
content under the principle that making articles and research freely available
encourages a greater global knowledge exchange. In this sense, the Universidad
ORT Uruguay is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA),
which suggests that the articles be “available under the dedication of the
Creative Commons public domain”. InMediaciones de la Comunicación provides
its content under the Creative
Commons - Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
the journal acknowledges the value of the Budapest
Open Access Initiative (BOAI) statement, which
establishes that open access implies the free availability on the public
Internet of articles and reviews published after being submited to the
double-blind arbitration protocol. This perspective "allows any user to
read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or add a link to the full text
of these articles, track them for indexing, incorporate them as data in
software, or use them for any other purpose that is legal, without financial,
legal or technical barriers, apart from those that are inseparable from access
to the Internet itself. The only limitation regarding reproduction and
distribution, and the only role of copyright (economic rights) in this area,
should be to give authors control over the integrity of their works and the
right to be adequately recognized and cited.”
ORT Uruguay reserves the rights of journal publication. In this way, once the
manuscript has been accepted for publication, InMediaciones de la
Comunicación may dispose of such material and publish it both in
printed format and in electronic form and other known or unknown devices. For
this, it is an essential requirement that the authors authorize in writing its
reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication (Document
of authors' rights and originality). Such use
of the manuscripts is for the purpose of spreading and sharing the research
work with the national and international scientific-academic community, it is
not for profit and the authors will retain the moral and patrimonial rights of
the article.
The submitted manuscripts must be
written by those who declare their authorship and guarantee that they will not
be submitted for consideration by other publications while the evaluation
process is carried out. The journal considers a manuscript to be original
when it has not been published in an academic journal or as a chapter of a
digital or printed book, nor is it in the process of evaluation in another
The submitted manuscripts may
originate from undergraduate or postgraduate theses. In the event that the
submitted manuscript includes advances from research previously presented at
Conferences, Colloquiums and/or Congresses or has its origin in an
undergraduate or postgraduate thesis, the authors must include an explanatory
note indicating the first instance in which they were presented. They may not,
in any case, retain the same title as their first version.
The authors are responsible for
the affirmations, content and opinions expressed in the manuscripts sent
to InMediaciones de la Comunicación. They must guarantee that they
are owners or co-owners of the submitted manuscript and, therefore, are also
owners of its intellectual property rights and do not infringe the copyrights
of third parties. Likewise, the authors declare that they have rights and/or
consent for the use of still or moving images and any other type of material
and information complementary to the submitted manuscript. Any material
received without these permissions will be assumed to originate from the
The use of
the CC-BY 4.0 license guarantees the publication, distribution, use and reuse
of the manuscripts. In this sense, the use, copy or public dissemination of the
published materials must be cited using the references indicated in the HOW TO
CITE section that accompanies each manuscript in its different versions: PDF,
2. Peer
review process
de la Comunicación receives manuscripts through the Open Journal System
(OJS) platform. In order to maintain anonymity and guarantee the transparency
of the peer review process, the submitted manuscript must be made anonymous and
not contain information that could reveal the identity of the authors. The name
of the authors and institutional membership must be sent in a different
The journal
employs the double-blind arbitration protocol for the evaluation of
manuscripts, which consists on getting advice from experts on the topics
addressed in the specific issue of the journal which allows the individual
review of the submitted materials.
to the criteria established by the journal, the submitted manuscripts go
through an evaluation process that involves different instances of review and
- Manuscripts
are reviewed by the directors of the journal, the Associate Editors, the
Academic Committee and the Guest Editors assembled according to the theme
addressed in each issue. In this first instance, the manuscripts are subjected
to a first plagiarism check using the Turnitin prevention service (Plagiarism
control and detection). Those manuscripts that
conform to the disciplinary area, comply with the standards and objectives of
the journal, and show relevance to the topics of the call move on to the next
stage of evaluation.
- Once
compliance with the required conditions has been verified, the submitted
manuscript is sent to two external referees who are specialists in the subject
matter addressed. Those who carry out the external arbitration should not have
any conflict of interest with respect to the manuscript submitted for
evaluation, which will be delivered to them, safeguarding the anonymity of the
responsible authors. The external referees must evaluate whether the manuscript
presents innovative or novel content regarding the topic addressed, the
coherence of the analysis carried out and the quality of the presentation
according to the journal's guidelines. On these general basic criteria, they
must rule: a) accept and publish the manuscript, b) publishable with
modifications (in this case, the authors must send a reworked version so that
the external referees assigned to evaluate the manuscript again), c) reject the
application. The external referees must validate the decision taken taking into
account the parameters or rubrics of the Evaluation Sheet (Ethics
for external referees).
- In case
of discrepancy in the opinions, the manuscript will be sent to a third external
referee. This last opinion, together with the final observations of the
directors of the journal, the Associate Editors, the Academic Committee and the
Guest Editor Editorial Board, will define the publication or not of the
evaluated application.
- The
foundations, suggestions and opinions will be reviewed by the Associate Editors
and the Academic Committee, and the result of the evaluation carried out will
be informed to the author or the corresponding author. Such arbitration process
may involve several instances of exchanges and re-elaboration of the manuscript
based on what is observed by the external referees, the Associate Editors and
the Academic Committee. The average duration of these evaluation and review
instances is 60 days.
- The final
acceptance of the manuscript also depends on compliance with the editorial
ethics and good practices required by the journal (more information in Editorial
ethics and good practices).
- The list
of those who participate as external arbitrators is published in the last issue
of each year.
Publication frequency and no APC
From the
second semester of 2024, the journal InMediaciones de la Comunicación adopts
the continuous publication system. The published papers are gathered in an
annual volume and structured in its two semiannual issues (January-June and
July-December) with thematic calls for papers. The articles in the first issue
are published continuously starting in January and ending in June and the ones
belonging to the second issue are published from July until December.
Between the
reception of the submitted manuscripts and their publication date, a maximum
period of five months is estimated.
de la Comunicación does not charge processing or publication fees
(Article Processing Charge or APC fees).
Self-archiving and digital preservation policies
de la Comunicación uses the PKP Preservation Network (LOCKSS)
repository where publications edited in the Open Journal System (OJS)
are digitally stored. This system allows perpetual access to the original
content of the journal.
The files
are saved at the time of their publication in DSpace,
the digital academic repository used by InMediaciones de la
Comunicación, and on the journal's platform.
authors are advised to store published materials personally. The post-print (or
final galley) can be archived and included in your endorsements and in
institutional repositories immediately after its on-line publication.
Interoperability protocol
de la Comunicación incorporates the Open Archives Initiative - Protocol
for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
interoperability protocol.
ORT Uruguay is committed to guaranteeing the ethics of the manuscripts that are
published in the journal InMediaciones de la Comunicación. It is
essential that all parties involved in the editorial process, both the
Editorial Team —Director, Associate Editors, Academic Committee, Technical
Staff, Guest Editor— as well as the authors and external referees, know and
abide by the established criteria and respect the guidelines established for
the publication of articles, reviews, interviews and other genres of academic
production. InMediaciones de la Comunicación adheres to the
code of ethics and the declaration of good editorial practices indicated by
the Committee
on Publication Ethics (COPE) and to the
suggestions and recommendations established in the San Francisco Declaration on
Research Evaluation (DORA) to guarantee good practices related to
the evaluation of scientific-academic productions. Likewise, InMediaciones
de la Comunicación follows the provisions of the Singapore
Statement on Research Integrity.
1. Ethics
for the Editorial Team
Editorial Team is responsible for publishing or not publishing the submitted
manuscripts. These will be evaluated without taking into account religion,
sexual or political orientation, ethnic origin, institutional membership,
citizenship or any other peculiarity outside the academic parameters and
editorial criteria set by InMediaciones de la Comunicación.
undertake to publish updated guidelines for authors, establishing the
responsibilities of those who submit the manuscript application and the
required style standards for the materials sent to the journal (Guidelines
for authors). They also agree to specify the arbitration system
used to evaluate the manuscripts and the evaluation parameters that external
referees must take into account.
undertake to guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process. This
encompasses the anonymity of external referees and authors and the privacy of
the opinions produced, the content evaluated and the exchanges or queries
raised to the Associate Editors, Academic Committee and the Guest Editors.
guarantee the publication of corrections, clarifications and/or apologies in all
cases deemed necessary.
guarantee that the articles received will not be used as input for other
research, nor be subject to any type of manipulation without the consent of
their authors.
pledge to have strict respect for authorship. Papers will be subjected to
plagiarism control using the Turnitin prevention service (Plagiarism
control and prevention) and reasonable measures will
be taken to prevent the publication of manuscripts in which there have been
cases of misconduct in the research.
-They will
try to avoid conflicts of interest, taking into account the sources of funding
and the affiliation of the authors when selecting the external referees.
declare their commitment to the respect and integrity of the manuscripts
already been published.
2. Ethics
for authors
are responsible for the statements, the content and the opinions expressed in
the manuscripts sent to InMediaciones de la Comunicación. They must
guarantee they are the owners or co-owners of the nominated manuscript and,
therefore, they are also owners of its intellectual property rights (Document
of authors’ rights and originality).
-They must
send original manuscripts written by those who declare their authorship and
guarantee that they will not be submitted to other publications while under
evaluation. The journal considers a manuscript to be original when it is
unpublished: that is, when it has not been published in an academic journal or
as a chapter in a digital or printed book, nor is it undergoing evaluation in
another publication.
-In the
event that the submitted manuscript includes advances from research previously
presented at Conferences, Colloquiums and/or Congresses or has its origin in an
undergraduate or postgraduate thesis, the authors must include an explanatory
note indicating the first instance in which they were presented. They may not,
in any case, retain the same title as their first version. InMediaciones
de la Comunicación does not consider as a prior publication the
abstracts or advances presented in academic events such as those mentioned above
or those available as research documents in institutional, thematic or general
repositories. Likewise, the submitted manuscripts may have their origin in
undergraduate or graduate thesis. They may not, in any case, keep the same
title as their first version.
-They must
state that the contents, materials or resources used in the manuscript do not
infringe the copyrights of third parties. In case of reproducing copyrighted
material (photographs, still or moving images, graphics, videos, infographics
or any type of previously published material) they must be cited or indicated
in the manuscript’s body and, if necessary, obtain and send the corresponding
permission to be published in InMediaciones de la Comunicación in
print and online format. Any material received without these citations or
permissions will be presumed to originate from the authors of the submitted
-In the
case of manuscripts submitted by two or more authors, they must indicate the
order of appearance and, at the end of the manuscript, indicate in percentages
the contributions made by each author. In addition, they must present a
certificate that expresses the consent of all the authors for its publication.
pledge to recognize and indicate possible conflicts of interest that could be
perceived as bias in the manuscript. In this sense, and in the event the
authors of the manuscript receive any type of financial support, they must
include a note indicating their origin.
pledge to inform the Director, the Associate Editors, the Academic Committee
and the Guest Editors when they detect a relevant error in the published
manuscripts, in order to rectify and introduce the necessary corrections.
3. Ethics
for external referees
undertake to make a rigorous, critical and impartial review of the evaluated
manuscript. They must guarantee their acceptance or rejection according to the
thematic relevance and pertinence, the innovation or novelty of the contents,
the approach to the methodology used, the coherence of the analysis carried out
and compliance with the authors’ rules required by the journal. For this
purpose, the arbitration must take into account the evaluation parameters or
guides that are established in the Evaluation
-They must
take into account the same ethical and confidentiality recommendations
indicated in Ethics
for the Editorial Team.
undertake not to divulge or use, under any circumstances, the contents of the
articles evaluated. This will only be possible with the explicit permission of
the authors and the Director and/or the Associate Editors and the Academic
Committee of InMediaciones de la Comunicación.
pledge to respect the evaluation period established by the Associate Editors
and Academic Committee: 20 days from submission of the nominated manuscript. In
case of contingencies preventing compliance, they must notify the Director or a
member of the Associate Editors or the Academic Committee with sufficient
advance so that the journal can make a decision and assess the planned
evaluation schedule.
-They must
notify the Director or a member of the Associate Editors and the Academic
Committee of the existence of conflicts of interest or lack of suitability and
expertise to evaluate the assigned manuscript.
-They must
notify the Director or a member of the Associate Editors and the Academic Committee
in the event of detecting possible plagiarism or breach of ethics.
-They will
avoid suggesting citations from their own articles or academic production in
order to expand their own citations or those of the research team they belong
4. Violation
of editorial ethics
de la Comunicación will strictly monitor the papers to ensure compliance
with ethics and good editorial practices. In this sense, and in accordance with
the provisions of COPE, accusations of alleged misconduct or the detection of a
possible anomaly will imply the activation of a protocol which, in general
terms, consists of the following steps:
- A
meeting will be held between the Associate Editors and the Academic Committee
where the relevance of the accusation made, or the detection of a possible
anomaly, will be evaluated.
- The
Associate Editors and the Academic Committee will prepare a report
contemplating the measures or actions to be undertaken in accordance with the
general criteria and the Declaration of Editorial Ethics and Good Practices of
the journal.
- The
authors will be informed of the accusation received or the detection of a
possible fault or anomaly.
- A period
of no more than 10 days will be established, according to the type of fault or
anomaly subject to consideration, for the authors to make the clarifications or
discharge they deem pertinent.
- If
necessary, the legal advisors of Universidad ORT Uruguay will be consulted.
- The
Associate Editors or the Academic Committee will apply the measures determined.
If the anomaly or fault reported is verified: the manuscript will be rejected.
If the manuscript is already published: it will be removed from the issue
of InMediaciones de la Comunicación and a corresponding
retraction will be made. The author will be prevented from any future
publishing in the journal.
5. Post-publication revisions and
de la Comunicación guarantees the publication of corrections,
clarifications and/or apologies in all cases considered necessary. Complaints
will be received at the following email:
6. Plagiarism control and
will be subjected to plagiarism control using the Turnitin prevention service
that is used to reveal verbatim copies of resources from the Internet. This
control is carried out in two stages of the evaluation process: upon receipt of
a manuscript's application and, subsequently, before its publication (that is,
after having gone through the evaluation process and once the modifications
suggested by the external arbitrators, have been made). In case of identifying
a possible plagiarism, the Associate Editors and the Academic Committee of the
journal will initiate the protocol established in accordance with the criteria
mentioned in Violation
of editorial ethics. Such control includes self-plagiarism or the
extended use of identical phrases from a manuscript already published by the
same author. The Associate Editors and the Academic Committee will communicate
the results of the plagiarism control to the responsible authors and they will
be asked to make the pertinent clarifications within 10 days before defining
whether it is plagiarism behaviour. Manuscripts in which such behaviour is
verified will not be published.
journal and its content are provided under the Creative Commons - Attribution
4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). It is possible to copy, communicate and
distribute publicly its content as long as the individual authors and the name
of this publication are cited, as well as the publishing institution
(Universidad ORT Uruguay).
Names and
email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the
purposes set out in this magazine and will not be provided to third parties or
for use for other purposes.
Facultad de Comunicación
Av. Uruguay 1185
11100 Montevideo
ORT Uruguay
(598) 2902 1505
Support Contact
Yael Ferreira
(598) 2902 1505
Follow us:
X: @InmediacionesUY
Instagram @inmediaciones.comunicacion
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