ISSN 1688-7026  online version



Basic Information



Basic Information


The journal “Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad” of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of the Republic, Uruguay,  is now published every four months. Issues will be published in May, August and December of each year. Was first published on-line in May 2010, and aims to promote national and international dissemination the production of knowledge in the various areas of psychology.

It is indexed in DOAJ, Latindex and SciELO

It is an open-access journal, which publishes:
1. Original papers presenting research results.
2. Reviews theoretical and / or methodological contribute to the development of the various fields of psychology.
3. Communications that link the production of knowledge to the management of public policies at national level, as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean.
4. Letters to the Editorial Board referred to articles published in the journal, provided they represent progress, news articles or scientific discussion on previously published in this journal.



The content of the journal, is ruled by the international Creative Commons Attribution License 


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© 2015 Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de la República
Tristán Narvaja 1674
 C.P 11.200 
Montevideo, Uruguay
Teléfono: (598) 2400 8555