Author Guidelines
Cirugía del Uruguay is the official dissemination publication of the
Society of Surgery of Uruguay, in its third edition in electronic version.
It publishes articles that must be unpublished and original on topics of
general surgery, sub specialties, topics of plastic and reconstructive,
vascular, thoracic and bariatric surgery as well as basic and clinical research
topics: review articles, original articles, clinical cases, letters to editor,
innovations in surgical technique, image of the month, scientific videos and
articles on the history of Surgery.
articles should not have been nominated for other scientific publications.
Admission process and peer reviewed system
The works submitted for publication will be evaluated by the Editorial Board
and if they meet the requirements in terms of form and content they will be
submitted to the arbitration process. It is a peer evaluation, minimum of two
external evaluators, who are prominent members of the national and
international surgical community.
This evaluation is anonymous and both authors and evaluators do not know each
other, known as double blind arbitration system
The evaluation will be carried out within 60 days and within that period the
manuscript will be returned to the authors, in case of requiring adjustments or
corrections. The article may be accepted in its entirety, rejected or accepted
with modifications suggested by the reviewers. The work will then be forwarded
to the author, who will have 30 days to make the suggested corrections and
forward it to the editor. The Editorial Board will determine who is published
or requires a new peer review.
Anti plagiarism detection methods are used.
Upon receipt of the papers, before sending them to reviewers, an evaluation
of the manuscript about similarities and / or plagiarism is made. For this, the Crossref
Similarity Check anti-plagiarism detection method is used.
To treat a case of plagiarism, la Revista Cirugía del Uruguay follows the
guidelines included in the organization chart of the International Ethics
Committee in the Scientific Publication - COPE (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts).
In case of possible plagiarism in a published article:
The person who notifies us of a plagiarism situation
will be informed of the process to follow.
Articles are compared to check the degree of copy.
The case will be presented to the Editorial Committee
of the journal to request their opinions and comments.
The documentary evidence of the plagiarism case will
be sent to the author of the article in question and a response will be
If the authors are found responsible for plagiarism:
editor of the journal in which the original plagiarized article was published
and the authors of the plagiarized article will be informed
- La Revista Cirugía del Uruguay will publish an official retraction of the
- The online version of the article will be withdrawn.
- The journal will not publish any other article by the authors involved in
plagiarism for a period of 5 years.
- Documented report will be submitted to the authorities of the institution of
the authors involved in plagiarism.
About the copyright
The author will not receive any monetary compensation or royalties for the
publication of his work in the Revista Cirugía del Uruguay.
Authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for the distribution
of the version of the published work (for example: deposit it in a repository
or publish it in a monographic volume) provided that the initial publication in
this journal is indicated.
Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate their work through the
internet (for example in archives or institutional repositories).
Copyright notice
All articles, videos and images published in the Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
are licensed under Creative Commons CC, which is a complement to traditional
copyright, in the following terms: first, the authorship of the referred
document must always be acknowledged and secondly none Article or work
published in the journal may have commercial purposes of any nature.
The authors retain their copyright and assign to the journal the right of first
publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License that allows the
work to be shared whenever the initial publication is indicated in this journal
Our journal does not have any type of charges for the authors, that is, there
are no costs for sending articles to evaluate, nor for processing articles, nor
for subscription, nor any other type of cost.
1 Communication: Manuscripts should be sent in OpenOffice or Word format by
email to: revista@scu.org.uy or through the journal's platform.
2. Presentation letter: must be attached to the manuscript and
signed by all authors. It will specify:
Title of the work and authors with their corresponding ORCID and email of each
and every one of the authors
Percentage of contribution of each of the authors to the work, based on the
following characteristics:
design, analysis, interpretation of results, writing and critical review.
Suggested location within the sections of the magazine.
Declaration of all the authors who know, participate and agree with the content
of the manuscript.
Statement that the article was not previously published and has not been
simultaneously presented in another medium.
Declaration that the work has been carried out in compliance with international
standards on clinical research.
Address, telephone and email address of the author in charge of correspondence
with the journal.
Knowledge of and agreement with the publication regulations of the journal
Cirugía del Uruguay.
Declaration of conflict of interest.
3. General style rules
The articles will be written in Spanish in clear and concise language. They
will be presented in electronic format, in Word, word processor or
similar, Times New Roman body 12, including figures and tables independently.
Tables and graphs should be in excel format and figures with a minimum
resolution of 300 dpi in the size that would be in the article.
Abbreviations and symbols. Only standard abbreviations will be used, avoiding
their use in the summary and title. When used for the first time, it must be
preceded by the full name to which it corresponds. Abusive use of abbreviations
should be avoided, except when repeated 3 or more times in the text and
detailing it in its first appearance in the text.
Whenever possible, the generic name of the drugs used will be recorded.
Percentages: If the total number is less than 25, percentages should not be
used; if the number is between 25 and 100 the percentages should be expressed
without decimals. If the total number is between 100 and 100,000 a decimal can
be added. The original data should always be included. Example: There were
complications in 12 (10%) of 120 patients.
4. Conflict of interest
Statement on the financing of the study or any other type that could lead to a
conflict of interest. The authors of the manuscript are responsible for
revealing all economic or personal relationships that may bias their work; must
expressly express whether or not there are conflicts of interest
5. Contribution
Each of the people listed as the author of an article must
have participated in a relevant way in the design and development of the same
as to assume responsibility for the contents, and must agree with the final
version that will be published.
At the end of the work to be published, the percentage of contribution of each
of the authors to the work must be stated, based on the following
analysis, interpretation of results
writing and critical review.
It is necessary to have participated in at least two of these stages in
order to be considered the author of the work. Other contributions may be
included in an acknowledgment section.
6. Ethics
The international standards of ethics must be respected in the design,
performance of the work and preparation of the manuscript.
If the work has the participation of people or animals, the author must ensure
that it was carried out in compliance with the Helsinki declaration.
In randomized clinical trials, the authors must have obtained the written
informed consent of the patient authorizing their publication, reproduction and
dissemination in electronic format in Surgery of Uruguay. If photos or patient
data are reproduced in the article, they should not identify people.
Editorial ethics and good practices. The Revista de Cirugía
del Uruguay adheres to the ethical standards of the Committee of Publication
Ethics (COPE). These standards are valid during all stages of the selection and
publication processes, and apply to all participants, including authors,
reviewers, editors and editorial committee.
For more information, see COPE Best
Practice Guidelines.
Its realization will be in charge of the Editorial Committee or whoever it
designates; it will be about a current issue, linked or not to an article
published in the journal. It will have an extension between 800 and 1000 words;
no more than 15 bibliographic citations and a single author.
They describe clinical, experimental or technical research that contributes to
the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge in General Surgery.
You must follow the format of Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.
The body of the work must not exceed 2500 words (they are excluded for the
count, the title page, the summary, the acknowledgments, the references, tables
and figures) and may not contain more than 10 figures.
The composition of the articles whose title should be in the language of the
article and in English consists of:
A. Abstract, it must be clear, concise and
informative allowing the understanding of the article without having to read it
completely. It will consist of five parts: Introduction and objectives;
materials and methods; results; Discussion and Conclusions.
The extension will not exceed 250 words. Abbreviations or bibliographic
citations should not be used. Next to it, 3 to 8 keywords are necessary.
In all cases, a summary in English must be attached, consisting of the same
b. Introduction: It consists of three parts, the first one
identifies and defines the problem, the second makes a brief review of what is
currently known about the subject under study and the third exposes the
objectives of the work. Only the strictly necessary references will be given
and no aspect of the subject will be extensively reviewed.
c. Methods, in the initial paragraph the type of study design
(clinical, experimental, prospective, retrospective, observational, structured
clinical trial or not) and the scope of the study (multicentre or not, type of
Center, etc.) must be expressed.
The methods and procedures used in detail will be described in a way that
allows other researchers to reproduce the research. In clinical trials the form
of randomization will be specified ; The method used to calculate the sample
size will also be specified.
In the statistical analysis, the methodology used must be explained.
Statistical methods should be described in detail to allow the reader (with
access to the original data) to verify the results presented.
The use of confidence intervals in substitution of p-values or at least is
recommended, always accompanying them to complement the main result of a study
or the most important secondary results.
The statistical test used to calculate the values of p and confidence
intervals must be specified, as well as the statistical program used and the
number of its version. The statistical tests will be specified both in the
Material and methods section and in the tables and figures.
When experiments on human beings are presented, it should be indicated
whether the procedures that were followed were in accordance with the Ethical
Standards Committee of the committee responsible for human experimentation
(institutional or regional) or with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 in the
version revised from 1983 and 2003. Patient names, initial or Hospital numbers
should not be used, especially in any illustration material. In the case of
animal experiments, indicate whether the institution or the National Resecar
Council rules or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals
were followed.
d. Results
They report, they do not interpret the observations made with the methods used.
They must be presented clearly, concisely and in a logical order, using charts,
graphs or other illustrations that allow a better interpretation that is
intended to be displayed.
e. Discussion
The author or authors provide their opinions on the subject without
repeating data provided in the introduction or the results. Highlights here:
meaning and practical application of the results, considerations on a possible
inconsistency of the methodology and the reasons why the results may be valid.
Comparison with similar publications and points of agreement and disagreement.
Indications and guidelines for future research, as well as highlighting novel
and important aspects of the study.
f. Conclusions
The conclusions highlight the findings or contributions of the work,
which must be supported by the results and respond to the research objectives.
g. Thanks
They are aimed at those people who have contributed significantly to the study.
h. Bibliographic references
The format of the bibliographic references must follow the norms adopted
by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (http://www.icmje.org)
They should not be more than 40 bibliographic citations.
They will be indicated in Arabic numerals consecutively and in the order
in which they first appear within the text.
Bibliographic references should be checked by comparison with the original
Some examples of references
Journal article
Journal article with an author (up to six authors are separated with a comma)
Gaba DM. Human error in anesthetic mishaps. Int. Anesthesiol Clin 1989;
More than six authors (first six and the abbreviation et al)
Flores JC, Alvo M, Borja H, Morales J, Vega J, Zúñiga C, et al. Chronic
kidney disease: classification, identification, management and complications.
Rev. Med. Chil. 2009; 137 (1): 137-77.
Collective author (the author is a team)
Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and
proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension 2002;
40 (5): 679-86
Chapter of the book
Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid
tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human
cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113. (N. del T .: In Spanish: In :)
Conference Proceedings
Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumors V. Proceedings of the
5th Germ Cell Tumor Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer;
2002. (N. of the T .: In Spanish: Minutes of the)
Internet journal article
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in
an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12]; 102 (6):
[about 1 p.]. Available from:
http://www.nursingworld.org/AJN/2002/june/Wawatch.htmArticle (N. of T .: In
Spanish: [cited 12 Aug 2002]; [approx. 1 p.]. Available at: )
Internet Monograph
Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [Internet].
Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:
http://www.nap.edu/books/0309074029/html/. (N. del T .: In Spanish: [cited 9
Jul 2002]. Available in :)
Blog contribution
Mantone J. Head trauma haunts many, researchers say. 2008 Jan 29 [cited
2009 Feb 13]. In: Wall Street Journal. HEALTH BLOG [Internet]. New York: Dow
Jones & Company, Inc. c2008 -. [about 1 screen]. Available from:
For more examples see: International Committee of Medical Journal
Editors (ICMJE). Uniformity requirements for manuscripts sent to biomedical
journals: Reference examples: http://www.scu.org.uy/biblioteca/pdf/requisitos_de_uniformidad_ejemplos_de_referencias_2010.pdf
Case studies of no more than 5 patients may be included in which unusual forms
of presentation are described or that provide relevant aspects regarding their
study, diagnosis or treatment.
The maximum length will be 850 words and the text will not be structured in
sections. It will be accompanied by an unstructured summary of no more than 100
words. 3 figures or tables will be accepted. The bibliography will not exceed
10 references. In maximum number of authors is five.
This type of publication may describe a new surgical technique or the
original modification of a known technique or new indications of a technique
previously published by other authors.
The work will have a summary of no more than 200 words with English
The manuscript will have the following sections: Introduction, historical
background, indications, proposed technique where all the technical steps used,
the critical or risk points will be shown in detail and how to circumvent them,
advantages and disadvantages with respect to other techniques and bibliography.
The presentation of casuistry is not obligatory, although the author can
communicate his casuistry and results.
The length of the text will not exceed 2000 words, excluding the abstract and
the bibliography.
The maximum number of authors is 5.
The manuscript must be illustrated with high quality images, photos, diagrams
or drawings, which may not be more than 6.
Images that have an educational impact are included here. These may be
imaging studies (tomography, magnetic resonance imaging), endoscopic, surgical pieces,
pathological pieces, etc.
The maximum length of the text will be 150 words. The diagnosis should be
indicated at the end of the text. It may not have more than 5 authors.
They will be at the invitation of the editorial board, however, if it considers
it relevant, it may accept manuscripts in this modality. The maximum length of
the text will be 3500 words and up to 6 figures or tables will be accepted. An
unstructured summary in Spanish and English with an extension of no more than 150
words is required. After the summary, 3 to 8 keywords will be included.
Maximum number of authors: five.
The review methodology should be explained; if it was a systematic review, they
must adhere to the standards proposed by QUORUM (Quality of reporting of
meta-analyzes). Lancet 1999; 354: 1896-900.
This modality is incorporated as a novelty in this third era of our
A written summary should be sent next to the video, with a maximum length
of 150 words that will include an introduction, followed by the description of
the contents of the video as well as the pertinent comments.
It will have a maximum duration of 8 minutes and must have a Spanish language
No more than 5 authors may appear per video.
They should be edited in formats used by the You tube platform.
The material sent should not include promotions or commercials.
Include comments or observations regarding articles recently published in the
Journal and in some cases on articles published in other journals. It must
contain ideas and comments that are always supported by data and bibliographic
references. The maximum length will be 450 words and the maximum number of
authors will be five. A summary is not required. They may be published
according to the criteria of the editor.
They are manuscripts on exhaustive studies about the history of a
specific pathology, surgical procedure, diagnostic technique and its impact on
the surgical specialty, prominent medical character or Institution, in which
its historical aspects are described.
Its extension will not exceed 3500 words. No more than 50 bibliographical
references. Maximum number of authors: four.
For additional information on bibliographic presentation and / or presentation
of articles, authors can write to revista@scu.org.uy
Works that do not conform to these guidelines will not be accepted or
Register your ORCID (important requirement)
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from
all other researchers and, through integration into key research workflows such
as manuscript and grant submissions, supports automated links between you and
your professional activities, ensuring that your work is recognized. Have more information.
Copyright Notice
articles, videos and images published in Revista Cirugía del Uruguay are under
the Creative Commons CC licenses, which is a complement to the traditional
copyright, in the following terms: first, the authorship of the referred
document must always be acknowledged and secondly none of the article or work
published in the journal may have commercial purposes of any nature. The
authors retain their copyrights and give the magazine the right of first
publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License license that allows
the work to be shared whenever the initial publication is indicated in this
Privacy Statement
names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively
for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any
other purpose or to any other party.
This journal
provides open access to all its content. Licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
This means that
all content is available free of charge and at no charge to the user or their
institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link
to the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose,
without prior permission from the publisher or author.
The authors are
free to archive their article in the institutional repositories or in their
personal web pages, always mentioning the publication in the Cirugía del
Uruguay journal with the corresponding data.
Following the
Guidelines for transparency and promotion of openness in the policies and
practices of journals (Transparency and Openness Promotion TOP) of the SciELO
Project, in which this journal is indexed, and in compliance with level 1 of
guideline 2 (Transparency data), authors are encouraged to include in their
original research articles a section on “Data Availability” in which they
report whether the dataset used in their research is available and, if so,
where to access it.
In the event that
the author has his research data on a server, he must declare it within the
article with the following sentence:
data set supporting the results of this study are available at..."
Otherwise, you
must include a sentence within the article stating the following:
data set that supports the results of this study is not available".