Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Lingüística]]> vol. 34 num. 1 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Apresentação]]> <![CDATA[El papel del contexto en el desarrollo pragmático en español como segunda lengua/lengua extranjera]]> Resumen: Este trabajo analiza el desarrollo pragmático interlingüístico de dos grupos de aprendientes: uno en inmersión (ESL) y otro fuera de esta (ELE), para determinar la incidencia del contexto en el desarrollo del español como lengua no nativa. Empleamos el análisis cualitativo de enunciados (peticiones en situaciones asimétricas) de ocho aprendientes, en dos fases de producción distanciadas entre sí por 15 semanas. Para el análisis empleamos el repertorio de estrategias para la petición de Blum-Kulka (1991), que también toma en cuenta la orientación de los hablantes en el acto de habla y el grado de dirección, a lo que añadimos el estudio del trato pronominal. Tras el análisis de las dos fases del estudio, descubrimos que la diferencia en el desarrollo de ambos grupos es muy poco relevante y que una mínima ventaja del grupo ESL tiene que ver con la adquisición de recursos sociopragmáticos específicos de la comunidad meta.<hr/>Abstract: This study analyzes the pragmatic development of two groups of learners -a group in immersion context (SSL) and another in the opposite ambient (SFL)- to determine the importance of context in the development of Spanish as a non native language. We employ a qualitative analysis of statments (requests in asymetrical relations) of eigth learners in two phases of production separated by 15 weeks. We used the Blum-Kulka´s repertoire of strategies (1991) wich also takes into account the orientation of the speakers in the speech act and the grade of direction. We add in our study the analysis of the pronominal treatment in Spanish. After completing the two phases of the search we discovered that the difference in development between groups is not outstanding and that a minimal advantage of the SSL group has to do with the acquisition of sociopragmatic features. <![CDATA[The insult pact: stylistic variation, moral and identification in humorous interactions]]> Resumo: O estudo da variação e da(s) norma(s) em Sociolinguística pode vincular-se a questões morais. Os insultos (geralmente usados para ofender, humilhar e molestar) fazem parte do que se considera linguagem proibida, do campo moral das palavras. Partindo disso e da análise das edições impressas da revista de quadrinhos MAD publicadas no Brasil em 2014 e 2015, este trabalho pretende mostrar outras funções linguísticas do insulto, variante estilística presente nesse periódico. O arcabouço teórico que fundamenta o estudo advém da Sociolinguística Interacional difundida no Brasil por Preti (1983, 1984, 2004) e dos pressupostos teóricos sobre estilo sociolinguístico propostos por Coupland (1985, 2001). Observa-se que as expressões insultuosas usadas nas interações dos textos da MAD funcionam tanto como um código (verbal e não verbal) de identificação de um grupo quanto um recurso de produção de humor.<hr/>Abstract: The study of variation and norm (s) in Sociolinguistics can be linked to moral issues. Insults (commonly used to offend, humiliate and molest) are part of what is considered to be forbidden language, from the moral field of words. Based on this and the analysis of the printed editions of the magazine comic MAD published in Brazil in 2014 and 2015, this work intends to show other linguistic functions of the insult, stylistic variant present in this periodical. The theoretical framework that underlies the study comes from the Interaction Sociolinguistics published in Brazil by Preti (1983, 1984, 2004) and the theoretical assumptions about sociolinguistic style proposed by Coupland (1985, 2001). It is observed that the insulting expressions used in the interactions of MAD texts operate as both a verbal and non-verbal code of identification of a group as well as a humor production resource. <![CDATA[El tiempo en el léxico del español]]> Resumen: En este trabajo pretendo presentar los lineamientos generales y algunos resultados de una investigación en curso: el Proyecto de Redes Temporales. Este estudio constituye una exploración acerca de cómo se codifica el tiempo en el léxico del español. En primer lugar, presento los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto, especialmente sobre qué modelo del tiempo trabajamos. Luego, me ocupo de las bases conceptuales en las que se sustenta este estudio. Hago referencia a continuación a los aportes teóricos que pretendemos haber logrado, a la metodología y a algunos de los resultados obtenidos hasta este momento. Me detengo en el concepto de expresión temporal que empleamos -más amplio que el frecuentado en la bibliografía-, en la clasificación de las expresiones temporales y los rasgos semánticos que atribuimos a cada clase. Posteriormente, ilustro las redes temporales que proponemos a través de algunos ejemplos y, por último, dejo anotadas algunas observaciones para desarrollos futuros.<hr/>Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce the general guidelines and some results of a research in progress: Project of Temporal Networks (Proyecto de Redes Temporales). This study is an exploration of time coding in Spanish lexicon. Firstly, I present the fundamental aspects of the project, especially regarding the model of time in which we work. Then, I deal with the conceptual basis on which this study is supported. Right after, I refer to the theoretical contributions we expect to have achieved up to that point. I focus on the concept of temporal expression we deal with -as it is more extensive than that in the bibliography-, as well as on the classification of temporal expressions and the semantic features we ascribe to each class. Later, I display the temporal networks we put forward by means of some examples and finally, I leave some remarks for future developments. <![CDATA[<strong>La voz <em>guagua</em> ‘autobús’:¿Lexicalización de nombre propio?</strong>]]> Resumen: Se pasa revista en este estudio a tres de los aspectos más característicos de la voz caribeña y canaria guagua, al tiempo que se actualiza la información que los lexicógrafos nos han proporcionado hasta ahora sobre ella. En primer lugar, el asunto de su significación, considerando las distintas orientaciones de sentido que la misma ha desarrollado a lo largo de la historia. En segundo lugar, su particular evolución dentro de los linderos geográficos que la ciñen: desde Cuba, al resto del Caribe, Guinea Ecuatorial y Canarias; desde Gran Canaria o Tenerife, al resto de las islas del archipiélago canario, el antiguo Sahara español y Cartagena (España). Y, en tercer lugar, su siempre problemática etimología, tan expuesta, por su incertidumbre, a todo tipo de especulaciones más o menos verosímiles.<hr/>Abstract: This paper analyzes three significant aspects in the Caribbean and Canary Islands voice guagua, while also updating the lexicographers’ information on it. First, I focus on the issue of signification, considering the diverse orientation of meaning this term has developed throughout history. Second, I center on its particular evolution in diverse geographies: from Cuba, to the rest of the Caribbean region, Equatorial Guinea and Canary Islands; from Grand Canary or Tenerife, to the other islands of this archipelago, Spanish Sahara and Cartagena (Spain). And third, I look into the always problematical etymology of this term, which has been subjected to many kinds of more or less plausible speculations due to its etymological uncertainty. <![CDATA[Commitment in “preliminaries” section from contestation juridic genre]]> Resumen: Neste artigo, propomo-nos a discutir a responsabilidade enunciativa na seção “Das preliminares” do gênero jurídico Contestação. Para tanto, analisamos e interpretamos o engajamento do locutor enunciador primeiro (L1/E1), nesse caso, o advogado, e dos enunciadores segundos a partir dos pontos de vista assumidos em uma perspectiva enunciativa rabateliana. Os dados demonstram que a Contestação coloca em evidência dois pontos de vista distintos (autor e réu), expondo a adesão do réu a um ponto de vista que se opõe ao do autor. Nesse sentido, as zonas textuais apontam, por um lado, enunciadores como responsáveis pelo conteúdo proposicional enunciado, por outro lado, enunciadores que não se engajaram pelo dito.<hr/>Abstract: We propose to discuss commitment in “Preliminaries” section from contestation juridic genre in this paper. For this, we analyze and interpret engagement from first speaker-enunciative (S1/E1), in this case, the lawyer, and second speakers from points of view assumed in an rabatelian enunciative perspective. Data demonstrate that contestation puts in evidence two distinct points of view (author and defendant), exposing adhesion of defendant to a point of view that is opposed to author one. In this sense, textual zones point, on one hand, enunciative ones as responsible for enunciated propositional content, on the other hand, enunciative ones that don't engage for the said. <![CDATA[Brazilian lexical areas: a new approach regarding the proposal of Antenor Nascentes in data of the Linguistic Atlas Project of Brasil]]> Resumen: O artigo traz uma análise sobre a variação lexical do português brasileiro para os designativos obtidos pela questão 039 do Questionário Semântico-Lexical do ALiB, que recobrem o conceito da tangerina. São analisados dados do Projeto do Atlas Linguístico do Brasil referentes a 118 municípios brasileiros, sumarizando a fala de 472 informantes naturais de nove estados federativos. O objetivo do trabalho é discutir a proposta de divisão dialetal de Antenor Nascentes (1953) no que se refere à área do subfalar sulista sob o ponto de vista lexical. Considerando o comportamento diatópico das variantes, o território investigado pode ser dividido em duas áreas, uma meridional e uma setentrional, que representam, respectivamente, dois possíveis falares, o sulista e o paulista.<hr/>Abstract: The research presents an analysis of the lexical variation of the Brazilian Portuguese for the variants obtained by question 039 of the Lexical-Semantic Questionnaire of ALiB, covering the concept of tangerina. Data of the Linguistic Atlas Project of Brazil from 118 Brazilian municipalities are analyzed, summarizing the speech of 472 natural informants of nine federal states. The objective of this approach is to discuss the proposal of dialectal division of Antenor Nascentes (1953) with regard to the area of the sulista subspeech under the lexical perspective. Considering the variants diatopical behavior, the territory investigated can be divided into two areas, a northern and a southern, representing, respectively, two possible speech, the sulista and the paulista. <![CDATA[The ludic nomination and the ludic names: a Semantical-enunciative analysis of personal nicknaming and nicknames]]> Resumo: Em minha dissertação de mestrado (Castro 2013), analisei a apelidação e os apelidos de pessoa tendo como corpus a lista telefônica por apelidos do ano de 2011 dos moradores da cidade de Cláudio (MG), a Apelista 2011. As análises foram feitas dentro do quadro teórico-descritivo da Semântica do Acontecimento proposta por Guimarães (2002, entre outros). Feita a descrição das regularidades formais dos apelidos (fonética, morfológica e morfossintática) e a descrição da cena enunciativa da apelidação, pude compará-las com descrições realizadas por Guimarães (2002) para o que chamei de nomes jurídicos e nomeação jurídica de pessoa. Essa comparação me permitiu mostrar um funcionamento próprio da apelidação e dos apelidos de pessoa e caracterizá-los respectivamente de nomeação lúdica e nomes lúdicos inspirado na tipologia de discurso proposta por Orlandi (1983). Neste artigo apresento, fazendo algumas revisões, as descrições que me permitiram chegar a esse resultado.<hr/>Abstract: In my master’s dissertation (Castro 2013), I analysed personal nicknaming and nickames having as a corpus the 2011 phone book by nicknames of the residents of Cláudio (MG), the Apelista 2011. The analysis were developed inside the Semântica do Acontecimento framework proposed by Guimarães (2002, among others). Having done the description of the formal regularities of the nicknames (phonetical, morphological and morphosyntatical) and the description of the nicknaming enunciative scene, I could compare them with the descriptions developed by Guimarães (2002) for what I called personal juridical names and juridical nomination. This comparison allowed me to show a proper functioning of the personal nicknaming and nicknames and characterize them respectively as ludic nomination and ludic names inspired by the typology of discourses proposed by Orlandi (1983). In this paper I present, making some reviews, the descriptions that allowed me to reach this result. <![CDATA[El uso de las formas no personales del verbo: descripción del caso en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco]]> Resumen: Se planteó la hipótesis de que el uso de las formas no personales del verbo era más frecuente, en comparación con las formas conjugadas, en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco. El análisis se basó en un corpus de 63 páginas (1781 verbos). Después del estudio, se rechazó la hipótesis, puesto que las formas personales se emplearon con mayor frecuencia frente a las no personales (62% frente al 38%). Además, se descubrió que la forma no personal más utilizada fue la del participio (22.8%) y que el uso de verbos simples duplicaba el uso del participio (46%). Los pronombres enclíticos en infinitivos, gerundios y perífrasis verbales aparecieron en un 13.3% y los usos incorrectos de las formas no personales variaron entre el 1% y el 37%, lo cual reveló que el gerundio es la forma no personal con más usos inadecuados en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco.<hr/>Abstract: It was hypothesized that the use of verbals was more common compared to the conjugated forms of verbs in the Guatemalan judicial language. The analysis was based on a corpus of 63 pages (1781 verbs). After the study, the hypothesis was rejected because the personal forms of verbs were used more often in comparison to verbals (62% versus 38%). In addition, it was discovered that the most commonly used verb form was participle (22.8%) and that the use of simple verbs doubled the use of participle (46%). The enclitic pronouns in infinitives, gerunds and verbal periphrases appeared 13.3% and the misuse of verbals varied between 1% and 37%, which revealed that the gerund is one of the verbals with more misuses in the Guatemalan judicial language. <![CDATA[José Jesús de Bustos Tovar (1936-2017) In memoriam]]> Resumen: Se planteó la hipótesis de que el uso de las formas no personales del verbo era más frecuente, en comparación con las formas conjugadas, en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco. El análisis se basó en un corpus de 63 páginas (1781 verbos). Después del estudio, se rechazó la hipótesis, puesto que las formas personales se emplearon con mayor frecuencia frente a las no personales (62% frente al 38%). Además, se descubrió que la forma no personal más utilizada fue la del participio (22.8%) y que el uso de verbos simples duplicaba el uso del participio (46%). Los pronombres enclíticos en infinitivos, gerundios y perífrasis verbales aparecieron en un 13.3% y los usos incorrectos de las formas no personales variaron entre el 1% y el 37%, lo cual reveló que el gerundio es la forma no personal con más usos inadecuados en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco.<hr/>Abstract: It was hypothesized that the use of verbals was more common compared to the conjugated forms of verbs in the Guatemalan judicial language. The analysis was based on a corpus of 63 pages (1781 verbs). After the study, the hypothesis was rejected because the personal forms of verbs were used more often in comparison to verbals (62% versus 38%). In addition, it was discovered that the most commonly used verb form was participle (22.8%) and that the use of simple verbs doubled the use of participle (46%). The enclitic pronouns in infinitives, gerunds and verbal periphrases appeared 13.3% and the misuse of verbals varied between 1% and 37%, which revealed that the gerund is one of the verbals with more misuses in the Guatemalan judicial language. <![CDATA[Reseña]]> Resumen: Se planteó la hipótesis de que el uso de las formas no personales del verbo era más frecuente, en comparación con las formas conjugadas, en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco. El análisis se basó en un corpus de 63 páginas (1781 verbos). Después del estudio, se rechazó la hipótesis, puesto que las formas personales se emplearon con mayor frecuencia frente a las no personales (62% frente al 38%). Además, se descubrió que la forma no personal más utilizada fue la del participio (22.8%) y que el uso de verbos simples duplicaba el uso del participio (46%). Los pronombres enclíticos en infinitivos, gerundios y perífrasis verbales aparecieron en un 13.3% y los usos incorrectos de las formas no personales variaron entre el 1% y el 37%, lo cual reveló que el gerundio es la forma no personal con más usos inadecuados en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco.<hr/>Abstract: It was hypothesized that the use of verbals was more common compared to the conjugated forms of verbs in the Guatemalan judicial language. The analysis was based on a corpus of 63 pages (1781 verbs). After the study, the hypothesis was rejected because the personal forms of verbs were used more often in comparison to verbals (62% versus 38%). In addition, it was discovered that the most commonly used verb form was participle (22.8%) and that the use of simple verbs doubled the use of participle (46%). The enclitic pronouns in infinitives, gerunds and verbal periphrases appeared 13.3% and the misuse of verbals varied between 1% and 37%, which revealed that the gerund is one of the verbals with more misuses in the Guatemalan judicial language. <![CDATA[Reseña]]> Resumen: Se planteó la hipótesis de que el uso de las formas no personales del verbo era más frecuente, en comparación con las formas conjugadas, en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco. El análisis se basó en un corpus de 63 páginas (1781 verbos). Después del estudio, se rechazó la hipótesis, puesto que las formas personales se emplearon con mayor frecuencia frente a las no personales (62% frente al 38%). Además, se descubrió que la forma no personal más utilizada fue la del participio (22.8%) y que el uso de verbos simples duplicaba el uso del participio (46%). Los pronombres enclíticos en infinitivos, gerundios y perífrasis verbales aparecieron en un 13.3% y los usos incorrectos de las formas no personales variaron entre el 1% y el 37%, lo cual reveló que el gerundio es la forma no personal con más usos inadecuados en el lenguaje judicial guatemalteco.<hr/>Abstract: It was hypothesized that the use of verbals was more common compared to the conjugated forms of verbs in the Guatemalan judicial language. The analysis was based on a corpus of 63 pages (1781 verbs). After the study, the hypothesis was rejected because the personal forms of verbs were used more often in comparison to verbals (62% versus 38%). In addition, it was discovered that the most commonly used verb form was participle (22.8%) and that the use of simple verbs doubled the use of participle (46%). The enclitic pronouns in infinitives, gerunds and verbal periphrases appeared 13.3% and the misuse of verbals varied between 1% and 37%, which revealed that the gerund is one of the verbals with more misuses in the Guatemalan judicial language.