Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política]]> vol. 30 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Conditions for women’s access to political participation in subnational executive elections. Evidence from seven Argentine provinces (1983-2015)]]> Resumen: Este trabajo analiza cómo las reglas electorales y sus modificaciones afectan la participación política y electoral de las mujeres en la posibilidad de competir por los cargos ejecutivos electivos subnacionales, en el marco de candidaturas partidarias, en siete provincias argentinas entre 1983 y 2015. Se estudian las condiciones de acceso de las mujeres a las candidaturas ejecutivas en cuanto al sistema electoral. Se toman las constituciones provinciales para determinar el régimen electoral, las reformas políticas y constitucionales, y las leyes que específicamente tengan que ver con la participación electoral de las mujeres, buscando encontrar si esas leyes refieren a las candidaturas ejecutivas. Además, el análisis se vale de veintiún entrevistas en profundidad que se realizaron durante 2020 a dos personalidades políticas y a un/a especialista en materia política provincial por provincia, que logró un total de tres entrevistas por provincia.<hr/>Abstract: This paper analyses how electoral rules and their modifications affect the political and electoral participation of women in the possibility of competing for subnational elective executive positions, within the framework of party candidacies, in seven Argentine provinces between 1983 and 2015. We study the conditions for women's access to executive candidacies regarding the electoral system. Provincial constitutions are taken to determine the electoral regime, political and constitutional reforms, and laws that specifically have to do with the electoral participation of women, seeking to find out if these laws refer to executive candidacies. In addition, the analysis uses twenty-one in-depth interviews that were conducted during 2020 to two political personalities and a specialist in provincial politics per province, achieving a total of three interviews per province. <![CDATA[Vigilantes e alertas: pandemia e democracia na América do Sul]]> Resumo: O primeiro ano da pandemia do covid-19 e as medidas governamentais para seu enfrentamento degradaram a democracia na América do Sul? Institutos responsáveis pelo estudo e monitoramento da democracia à nível global desenvolvem projetos para avaliar medidas que trouxessem riscos às instituições democráticas durante o período de calamidade pública. A preocupação se justifica uma vez que Estados de Emergência foram declarados, os poderes do Executivo se expandiram e medidas de restrição de circulação de pessoas foram postas em prática. Mas os institutos monitores adotaram critérios distintos para a avaliação desses riscos. Neste trabalho, propomos a comparação dos vigilantes, seus critérios e seus alertas para a América do Sul, com o objetivo de (i) avaliar as discrepâncias nas análises de monitores desse tipo, que decorrem naturalmente das diferentes metodologias, e (ii) apresentar como medidas de combate à pandemia constituíram desafios aos regimes políticos sul-americanos.<hr/>Abstract: Has the first year of the covid-19 pandemic and government measures to address it degraded democracy in South America? Institutes responsible for the study and monitoring of democracy at the global level develop projects to evaluate measures that would bring risks to democratic institutions during the period of public calamity. The concern is justified because once States of Emergency have been declared, the powers of the Executive have expanded and measures to restrict the movement of people have been put in place. But the monitoring institutes have adopted different criteria for the assessment of these risks. In this work, we propose to compare the guards, their criteria, and their alerts for South America, seeking (i) to evaluate discrepancies in monitors’ analysis of this kind, and (ii) to demonstrate how measures to deal with the pandemic presented challenges to the region’s political regimes. <![CDATA[Determinants of public trust in El Salvador: Pandemic management by the minister of health and president]]> Resumen: El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal identificar determinantes asociados a la confianza pública en el manejo de la pandemia por covid-19 en El Salvador, Centroamérica. Como forma de aproximación, se abordan los factores que influyen en la evaluación de la ciudadanía respecto a la gestión del ministro de salud Francisco Alabí y del presidente Nayib Bukele. Para la estimación de estos determinantes, se utilizó una muestra probabilística (n=1305) y se emplearon regresiones lineales múltiples corregidas con errores estándares robustos. Los resultados muestran que tanto el ministro de salud como el presidente gozan de altos índices de confianza en el manejo de la pandemia. Específicamente, variables demográficas como género, edad, ingresos y educación; poseen efectos significativos. Asimismo, la posición ideológica se mostró como determinante. El artículo finaliza destacando dos líneas de investigación latentes: una que aborda la relación confianza pública y autoritarismo y otra centrada en la confianza y cumplimiento de medidas sanitarias.<hr/>Abstract: This article aims to identify the associated determinants of public trust in the management of the covid-19 pandemic in El Salvador, Central America. As a means to approach it, the text focuses on the factors that affect people´s perception on how Salvadorian Minister of Health Francisco Alabí and President Nayib Bukele managed the pandemic. To estimate those determinants, a probabilistic sample was used (n=1305) and multiple linear regressions with robust standard errors were implemented. Results show that both Minister of Health and president are assessed trustworthy when it comes to the handling of the pandemic. Specifically, demographic variables as gender, age, income and education showed statistically significant effects. Moreover, ideology also proved to be determinant. The article ends up highlighting two latent research lines: one related to public trust and authoritarianism and another one versing on trust and voluntary compliance. <![CDATA[Static horizontal ambition in legislatures with uninominal circumscriptions and indefinite re-election: The case of the santafesino senate (1991-2019)]]> Resumen: El trabajo aborda los determinantes de la búsqueda de reelección en el marco de legislaturas provinciales con circunscripciones uninominales y reelección indefinida a partir del análisis del senado santafesino. Los principales hallazgos residen en que, a medida que se incrementa el tamaño de la jurisdicción que representa el senador y si este pertenece al partido (o coalición) que gobierna la provincia sus probabilidades de buscar la reelección disminuyen. Por otra parte, cuando pertenece al bloque mayoritario dentro de la cámara y el control que ejerce dicho bloque en el recinto es holgado, sus probabilidades de aspirar a un nuevo mandato se incrementan.<hr/>Abstract: The work addresses the determinants of the seek of reelection within a provincial legislature with single-member constituencies and no term limits based on the analysis of the Santa Fe’s Senate. The main findings are that as the size of the jurisdiction that the senator represents increases and when he belongs to the party (or coalition) that governs the province, his chances of seeking reelection decrease. Besides, when he belongs to the majoritarian bloc within the chamber and the control exercised by that bloc is loose, his chances of aspiring to a new mandate increase. <![CDATA[Comparative Politics in Mexico: a qualitative portrait]]> Resumen: Desde el sentido común politológico en México, la política comparada es caracterizada como parroquial y norteamericanizada. Numerosos estudios han tendido a debatir esta presunción, pero solo unos pocos han tomado en cuenta las cosmovisiones y opiniones de los/as comparativistas mexicanos/as. A través del análisis cualitativo de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a los/as especialistas en política comparada en México, se sopesará en qué medida el parroquialismo y la americanización son parte de los prismas analíticos e interpretativos en este país, y cuáles son los obstáculos y alicientes que inciden para la configuración de una sensibilidad y tradición politológica de tipo comparativa en dicho país.<hr/>Abstract: From a political common sense in México, comparative politics is usually characterized as parochial and / or Americanized. Numerous studies have tended to debate this presumption, but only a few have taken into account the cosmovisions and opinions of Mexican comparativists. Therefore, through the qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews carried out with the specialists in comparative politics in Mexico, we will have to weigh to what extent parochialism and Americanization are part of the analytical and interpretive prisms in this country, and what are the obstacles and incentives for the configuration of a comparative political sensibility and / or tradition in said country. <![CDATA[Árbitros]]> Resumen: Desde el sentido común politológico en México, la política comparada es caracterizada como parroquial y norteamericanizada. Numerosos estudios han tendido a debatir esta presunción, pero solo unos pocos han tomado en cuenta las cosmovisiones y opiniones de los/as comparativistas mexicanos/as. A través del análisis cualitativo de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a los/as especialistas en política comparada en México, se sopesará en qué medida el parroquialismo y la americanización son parte de los prismas analíticos e interpretativos en este país, y cuáles son los obstáculos y alicientes que inciden para la configuración de una sensibilidad y tradición politológica de tipo comparativa en dicho país.<hr/>Abstract: From a political common sense in México, comparative politics is usually characterized as parochial and / or Americanized. Numerous studies have tended to debate this presumption, but only a few have taken into account the cosmovisions and opinions of Mexican comparativists. Therefore, through the qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews carried out with the specialists in comparative politics in Mexico, we will have to weigh to what extent parochialism and Americanization are part of the analytical and interpretive prisms in this country, and what are the obstacles and incentives for the configuration of a comparative political sensibility and / or tradition in said country.