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versión impresa ISSN 1688-3497versión On-line ISSN 0797-3691


ZYLBERMAN, Lior. Genocide and Documentary Film: Approaches to the Representation of Extermination Spaces. Dixit [online]. 2024, vol.38, e3381.  Epub 01-Jun-2024. ISSN 1688-3497.

Within the framework of an ongoing investigation on the representation of genocide in documentary film, this article aims to analyze extermination spaces. The inquiry proposes a dialogue between genocide studies and documentary film studies, presenting a series of modalities to consider the problem at hand. The suggested modalities are: chronicle, sobriety, dialectic, and expressive. With these, the aim is not to close debates or exhaust the filmography on the subject, but to continue the analytical proposal initiated in previous works in order to consider the representation strategies that documentary film has employed to account for various cases of genocide

Palabras clave : documentary film; genocide; representation; extermination spaces.

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