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FIGUEIREDO, Márcia Cançado et al. Covid-19 and dental care for patients with special needs in Latin America. Odontoestomatología [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.37, e301.  Epub 30-Abr-2021. ISSN 0797-0374.

Latin America has become the most affected region by the COVID-19 pandemic in the world. People with special needs-an already vulnerable population-are suffering terrible consequences on account of this crisis. These people need to be protected and cared for at all times. Therefore, a group of lecturers from ten Latin American countries came together to analyze the regional situation of dental care for patients with special needs. Every country shows evidence that lockdowns and movement restrictions interrupt these people’s access to essential goods and services. The general course of action regarding dental care is to postpone routine procedures unless they are clinically urgent or an emergency, implement strict personal protection measures and avoid or minimize processes that may produce aerosols. Remote dental care is considered essential these days since it allows practitioners to assess the need for face-to-face care and offer support, information, and safety to patients and families. The pandemic has shown us all that supporting health promotion is the true path and that we should not wait until conditions that affect people’s quality of life appear to act.

Palabras clave : betacoronavirus; Latin America; persons with disabilities; public policy; remote dental care.

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