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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249


CURBELO, Nicolás; PINCHAK, Catalina  e  GUTIERREZ, Stella. Conocimiento del asma enfermedad por parte de los padres de niños asmáticos. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2010, vol.81, n.4, pp.225-230. ISSN 1688-1249.

Method: descriptive, transversal study in parents of children who received care at Centre Pereira Rossell Hospital. Disease knowledge about asthma questionnaire was conducted in parents of children with asthma evolutionary history. Parents whose children had asthma diagnosis at the time of the questionnaire were designated as Group A and those who did not present them as Group B. Data were processed with statistical software SPSS. Results: 75 parents, of whom 32 children (42,7%) featured asthma diagnosis is interviewed. The whole population study got low levels of knowledge about asthma. With respect to the domain of knowledge linked myths and beliefs of disease knowledge was also low. High knowledge in Group A, with an average score statistically significant with regard to group B (p < 0,05) parents was obtained in relation to the domain of knowledge linked to the knowledge of the disease. In the area of knowledge linked to the realization of sports and smoking the knowledge level was low in the entire population studied. Conclusions: the level of knowledge of parents in this sample is not sufficient to ensure that children submit asthma controlled.


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