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versión impresa ISSN 1688-3497versión On-line ISSN 0797-3691
SALES ROCHA SANTOS, Fernanda. Due to a fence: Territorie and narrative split by fear in the movies O som ao redor and Historia del miedo. Dixit [online]. 2019, n.31, pp.70-81. Epub 01-Dic-2019. ISSN 1688-3497.
We will make a comparative analysis between the Brazilian feature film O som ao redor (Kleber Mendonça Filho, 2013) and the Argentine film Historia del miedo (Benjamín Naishtat, 2014). This analysis will take into account the study of how the issue of territorial split -both in Recife and Buenos Aires- relates to the issue of social resentment and is reflected in the narrative and aesthetic structure in both films. To this end, it will be demonstrated how narrative fragmentation, in dialogue with elements of a horror tradition, is linked to thematic issues of resentment for territorial reasons in both countries. Given the urgency of the disputes for space that both Benjamín Naishtat’s film and Kleber Mendonça Filho’s film evoke, we seek to compare narrative resources for the approach of an ancient and central impasse in Latin America: the fence impasse.
Palabras clave : Brazilian cinema; Argentine cinema; narrative fragmentation; horror; social resentment.