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Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa
versión impresa ISSN 1510-2432versión On-line ISSN 1688-9304
UMPIERREZ ORONO, Silvia; CABRERA, Delma y BRUCCOLERI, Paola. Application of technology in the practice of initial teachers training. Assessment of didactic analysis for secondary education classrooms filmed in 360°. Cuad. Investig. Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.11, n.2, pp.77-94. Epub 01-Dic-2020. ISSN 1510-2432.
The initial training of secondary school teachers in Uruguay includes activities of observation and didactic analysis of classrooms in educational centers of this level, in face-to-face and mainly individual modalities. With the objective of enhancing and diversifying this training, the ongoing research proposed to make visible the perceptions of teachers and students, and to analyze the levels of reflection achieved, through the observation of lessons filmed in 360°, as well as the incorporation of class works that are asynchronous, virtual, interdisciplinary and in groups. The methodology was based on a qualitative design. It included six quasi-experimental instances where students (n = 61) were distributed in six groups, oriented by one or several teaching trainers (n = 8), and performed observation and didactic analysis of the film units in 360°. Data were collected through non-participant observation of quasi-experimental instances, content analysis of forums, e-mails and documents with student productions, as well as 39 surveys and 8 in-depth interviews to students and trainers. Both trainers and students that participated in this research favorably valued the resource as a complement to the current training modality, and expressed that it promotes didactic analysis and reflection. The film units fit the trainers’ targets, the various work modalities and the diverse ways of learning. They found that both flexibility of training time and collaboration were fostered. Various levels of reflection were reached, although the deepest level was not attained. It is necessary to complete the study to understand the reasons for it. A website with an open repository with the film units ( was created, and a number of protocols designed by the team, which could serve as a guide for didactic analysis and reflection, are also offered.
Palabras clave : technology; initial teacher training; educational innovation; filming.