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versión impresa ISSN 0797-0374versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339

Odontoestomatología vol.22 no.35 Montevideo  2020  Epub 01-Jun-2020 



Raúl Riva Bernasconi, Decano1 

Days before the end of 2019 and in retrospect, I would like to take advantage of the first 2020 issue of Odontoestomatología to outline several aspects of the celebrations commemorating the 90th anniversary of our beloved School of Dentistry, UdelaR, on June 18, 2019.

Days of discussion, leveling and consensus were organized, on topics addressed by various academic units, in order to agree on criteria for their teaching and clinical application.

The School Council held a special session on the exact day of the 90th anniversary, which was attended by university authorities and members of the different groups and unions of our service.

An international congress was held, with a very successful outcome: “90 years of the School of Dentistry”. It featured prominent national and international speakers and a huge turnout.

On November 12, a graduation gala was held at the Teatro Solís to pay tribute to those who graduated during the year of the 90th anniversary, the four graduate courses, the specialties, master’s degrees and doctorates.

Additionally, and within the celebrations, we felt the duty to do justice by recognizing academic figures from our school who made outstanding contributions to the permanent growth of our service and the entire university, contributing to creating the best conditions for “Quality Higher Education”, to “Building the University” and to “Strengthening University Democracy”. Therefore, the School Council decided to award the “Honorary Degree of the School of Dentistry” to Professors Pablo Pebé, Álvaro Maglia, Hugo Calabria and Isabel Jankielewicz.

Finally, a tribute to Prof. Dr. Ma. Del Carmen López Jordi, who has stood out not only for her contribution to the academic growth of Pediatric Dentistry and University Education but also for her relevant career in Publications Management. Her role as Director of the Publications Department of the School of Dentistry for the last 15 years and her significant role as Editor in charge of the arbitrated and indexed scientific journal Odontoestomatología, published in Spanish and English, has resulted in a quality scientific publication, positioned in a prominent place of international visibility.

I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the people who worked in these long and intense celebratory activities throughout 2019, as without their support and dedication, it would have been impossible to succeed.

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