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versión On-line ISSN 2079-312X
TESCARI NETO, Aquiles. WHY HIGH ADVERBS ARE NOT RELIABLE DIAGNOSTICS FOR VERB MOVEMENT?. Lingüística [online]. 2015, vol.31, n.2, pp.27-46. ISSN 2079-312X.
Tradition in Generative Syntax has taken AdvPs as diagnostics for V raising to Inflection since they are assumed to be fixed in the structure while the verb is assumed to move (or not) across them. Advances in the Cartography project and the consequent enrichment of the syntactic structures have us aking which adverb class(es) could be taken as diagnostics for verb movement. The paper shows that only low adverbs are reliable tests, since the verb cannot move past high adverbs in Romance and English. Tests involving VP-ellipsis in Portuguese are used to show that only low, but not high adverbs, are reliable diagnostics for verb raising, since only the former can be recovered by the elliptical VP
Palabras clave : Verb movement; adverbs; high adverbs; Cartography; Generative Syntax.