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vol.28 número2Adquisición de competencias documentales en estudios universitariosConvergencias y divergencias con relación a la competencia en información y las competencias gestoras índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2301-1378


LUCCA, Djuli Machado De; NEUBERT, Patrícia da Silva  y  LUCAS, Elaine Rosangela de Oliveira. Health Information Literacy and COVID-19: mapping scientific production in the area of Information Science on the Web of Science. Infor [online]. 2023, vol.28, n.2, pp.253-275.  Epub 01-Dic-2023. ISSN 2301-1378.

The infodemic that emerged in the scenario of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic brought to light the intrinsic relationship between information competence - and specifically Health Informational Literacy - and the development of good experiences towards the care of people's health and well-being. This research has the objective to map the scientific production on Health Information Literacy and COVID-19 indexed in the Web of Science and present the approaches linked to research on this topic that are developed within the area of Library Information Science. This is a descriptive study using a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach. As a result, 51 documents were retrieved, 23 of them in the field of Information Science, forming the corpus of analysis. The analyses that were made on the corpus are: temporal evolution of publications in all areas and only in Library Information Science; elite of the journals; distribution of authorship and content analysis to present the approaches that this corpus represents. The results show how scientific production has progressed and declined, the spread of journals that have published on the topic, and the most prolific authors. The analysis also revealed five approaches to the subject from a Library Information Science perspective: a) Information-seeking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic; b) Vaccine hesitancy and disinformation; c) Teaching information literacy; d) Digital divide and access to information; e) Information literacy skills. This mapping provides an overview of how scientific production on Information Literacy in Health and COVID-19 is positioned in Library Information Science, some of its specificities and approaches of interest.

Palabras clave : Scientific production; Open access; information literacy; Health information literacy; COVID-19.

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