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Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea)
versión impresa ISSN 1510-5024versión On-line ISSN 2301-1629
ECHARTE ALONSO, Luis E. y ERQUIAGA, Juan Esteban de. From narrative self to personal identity: problems and risks involved in human self-understanding. Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea) [online]. 2019, n.5, pp.84-96. Epub 01-Jun-2019. ISSN 1510-5024.
Personal identity is one of the major philosophical problems in Western late modernity. Most proposed approaches to the subject share a particular feature: the importance given to the notion of self. In this paper we will address the relation between self and person from the point of view of the hypothesis of a narrative identity. We first study some key points of the historical framework of the discussion, and then we analyze problems and risks arising from one and the same category mistake: failing to distinguish between deictic self, performative self and constative self.
Palabras clave : personal identity; narrative self; teleology; alterity; freedom..