2393-6797  online version




Information Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine

Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine is registered in the Ministry of Education and Culture in volume XVI page 173 (Art 4th Law 16.099) and has the ISSN: 2393-6797.

Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine is produced by the Uruguayan Society of Internal Medicine. Address: Yaguarón 1407 apt 619, Montevideo-Uruguay. Telephone: (005982)29002640. Email:

Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine ( is the official organ of the Uruguayan Society of Internal Medicine, it is an independent scientific publication, created with the purpose of disseminating scientific production and quality knowledge. It is addressed to the national and international medical body. The magazine appears in continuous publication format and has a variable number of supplements.

The Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine is a member of the Uruguayan Association of Academic Journals (AURA), through which it obtains the Crossref Service (DOI management and Similary Check anti-plagiarism), at no cost to the authors. It is indexed by SciELO and included in the DOAJ directory.

The Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine is an open access journal and adopts the Creative Commons Attribution license (, also known as cc-by. This license allows the user to access, distribute and create derivative works, provided that the author is given credit.

Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine does not charge the authors for the sending, processing and/or publication of the referred articles. Likewise, the author will not receive economic royalties, or any other type of compensation for the publication.

Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine subscribes to the SHERPA/RoMEO service that shows the copyright and open access self-archiving policies of scientific journals. It also adheres to the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE).

The authors of the work must indicate their academic affiliation and identify ORCID ( They must have contributed directly to the content of the manuscript, both in the genesis and in the analysis of their data. For this they will be in a position to take responsibility for the work, they must accept that their name appears in the list of authors.

The review process is double blind. The referees are peers with specialization in the subject of the article to be refereed. The responsible Director, scientific secretaries and arbitration committee act as honorary collaborators.

The Journal will soon upload the article to the SciELO portal, following its regulations.

The Uruguayan Society of Internal Medicine and the Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine may disclose the articles by any printed or electronic means, including the Internet.

The content of all the articles, opinions or statements expressed in the Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine reflect the points of view of the authors, are their exclusive responsibility, and do not represent the official opinion of the Editorial Committee or the Board of Directors of the Society of Internal Medicine of Uruguay, unless expressly indicated.

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Yaguarón 1407 apto 619
Montevideo - Uruguay

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