ISSN 2393-6797  online version




Updated rules for submission and acceptance of work

(May 2024)


Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine (RUMI) is the official organ of the Uruguayan Internal Medicine Society (SMIU) since 2016. It is an independent scientific publication, created with the purpose of disseminating scientific production and quality knowledge.


General order requirements

It is essential that the submission of the manuscripts be done in accordance with the publication rules detailed below. It is advisable to read them in their entirety before submitting the manuscript.


1.      Reception of manuscripts

Papers are received exclusively by email to:


This will be the channel of communication between the Editorial Board and the authors of the submitted manuscripts. The contact author will receive an email confirming its receipt. The date of receipt will be considered when all the necessary documentation is available for the analysis of the submitted manuscript.


2.      Manuscript submission formalities

Articles will be written in Spanish, in clear and concise language. They will be presented in Word format, A4 sheet, single spaced, Calibri font size 12, with 2.5 cm margins.


They should not have a footer or page headers, pagination, hyperlinks, symbols, brackets, references made with a bibliographic manager ( Mendeley , Word, others).


3.      Manuscript

They are considered integral parts of the manuscript and must be sent together with it:


A-Covering letter. Signed by all the authors, it must contain the following points:

. Work title

. Suggested location within the sections that comprise the journal

. Declaration that all authors know, participate and agree with the content of the manuscript

. Declaration that the article is not simultaneously presented in other media nor has it been previously published.

. Statement that they accept the RUMI publication standards.

. Declaration that the work has been prepared respecting ethical responsibilities


B-List of Authors. On a separate sheet and indicating the title of the work must be sent

. Full name of the authors in the order in which they will appear in the publication

  For each one it is necessary to send :

a)      ORCID identifier ( ).

b)      Title of specialization and/or academic position that is desired to appear in the work.

c)      Contribution to the article. Participation must be specified according to the following taxonomic references: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, acquisition of funds, research, methodology, project administration, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing-original draft, writing -review and editing.

Conceptualization – Ideas, formulation or evolution of the general objectives and goals of the research. Conceptualization

Data Curation – Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), cleanse data, and maintain research data (including software code, where necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse.

Formal analysis – Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.

Funding Acquisition – Acquiring financial support for the project leading to this publication.

Research – Conducting an investigation and research process, specifically conducting experiments, or collecting data/evidence.

Methodology – Development or design of the methodology and creation of models.

Project administration – Responsibility for management and coordination of the planning and implementation of the research activity.

Resources – Supply of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources or other analysis tools.

Software – Programming, software development, computer program design, implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code components.

Supervision – Supervisory and leadership responsibility in planning and conducting research activities, including mentoring external to the core team.

Validation – Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replicability/reproduction of the results/experiments or other research products.

Visualization – Preparation, creation or presentation of published work, specifically the visualization/presentation of data.

Writing – original draft – Preparation, creation or presentation of published work, specifically writing the initial draft (substantive translation included).

Writing – review and editing – Preparation, creation or presentation of published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision – pre- or post-publication stages should be included.

. Institution where the work was carried out

. Contact author: name – phone – email

. If the work has been financed, it must refer to its origin

C-Text. With the exception of letters to the editor and editorials, all other types of publications must begin with the title of the article, subtitle where applicable, abstract and keywords (preferably use the terms mentioned in the Medical Subject Headings , from the Index Medicus and no more than 5). In the case of original works, the abstracts must follow the same items of the work (introduction, objective, methodology, result, discussion, conclusions); In the case of reviews and clinical cases, it is not necessary for the abstract to mention its items.
All the data indicated above must be in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


D-Tables and/or graphs and/or images. They should be at the end of the manuscript. They must include the corresponding legends. In the case of tables, graphs or images already published, the express authorization of the author must be obtained for their reproduction. In case of being previously published in fonts that adopt the Creative license Commons cc- by is enough to specifically list its author and publication site.

Images must be in JPG or GIF format. Preferably up to 580 pixels ( pxl .) wide, maximum allowed 850 pixels ( pxl .) wide. Remember in case of using images such as tomography, x-rays, etc. the name of the patient should not appear.



In RUMI the following publications are made:


A- Editorial: it is a document written by the Editorial Committee or a guest with information on the thematic domain of the journal.


B-Letters to the editor: these are brief communications about clinical notes, preliminary communications, communications in relation to works already published.


C-Reviews: these are systematic, comprehensive, descriptive or other reviews; updated on clinical, diagnostic or therapeutic aspects.

They will present the following items:

1)      Introduction ending with objective

2)      Methodology used to carry out the review (consulted sources - for example: SciELO , Medline , Index Medicus , etc .; language and years of search)

3)      Development of it.

4)      Discussion.

5)      Conclusions.

6)      Bibliography.


D-Clinical cases: these are reports on clinical cases, whether of exceptional or common diseases that, due to some unusual fact, are worth sharing. They will present the following items:

1)      Introduction ending with the objective of presenting clinical cases

2)      Report of them. We remember that it must be written in the past tense.

3)      Discussion.

4)      Conclusions.

5)      Bibliography.

It is recalled that if they contain images, they should not identify the clinical case.


E-Original papers: these are reports on original clinical or basic research. They will present the following items:


1) Introduction: consists of a brief review of previous works related to the topic to be investigated. End with the objectives of the article.


2) Methodology: contains data on the type of study, population and its selection criteria, intervention carried out, variables analyzed with their corresponding definition and statistical analysis carried out. In the case of using techniques, the device must be indicated (name and address of the manufacturer in brackets). The information recorded should allow other researchers to reproduce the experiment in detail.


3) Results: they will be presented in a clear and concise way, as text, graphs and/or tables. The presentation of the results should not be repeated. If they are expressed as a table or graph, it is not recommended to also publish it in a text version.


4) Discussion: it must be a synthesis of the comparison of the data obtained in the study with respect to the relevant scientific literature, which also interprets the similarities or contrasts found. It should include an analysis of the scope of your findings and their limitations.


5) Conclusions: the most relevant findings will be indicated, that is, those that constitute a contribution


6) Acknowledgments: addressed to people who, without being authors, have contributed substantially to the manuscript.


7) Ethical norms – it must be specified if the manuscript has the approval of the research ethics committee of the institution where it was carried out.


8) Conflict of interest – a statement must be made regarding the existence or not of a conflict of interest. A real or potential conflict of interest exists when an author (or the institution to which the author belongs) has personal or financial relationships that may inappropriately influence (bias) their actions. The possibility of a conflict of interest may exist whether or not a person believes that the relationship affects their scientific judgment. Financial relationships—such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, fees, reports, and expert opinions—are the easiest conflicts of interest to spot. However, conflicts can occur for other reasons, such as personal relationships or academic rivalry, among other causes. In case of acceptance of the manuscript, the declaration will be published at the bottom.


9) Data availability – should indicate whether the data set is available, and if so, where to access it. In the event that the author has the research data on a server, he must indicate the name of the same. If this is not the case, you must indicate that the data is not available.


10) Bibliography


Editorial flow

The works received will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee. If they meet the publication requirements and are considered of interest to the journal's target audience, they will be sent to be refereed by suitable professionals designated by the aforementioned. The arbitration of the manuscript will be with the “double blind” methodology – the referees do not know the identity of the authors, nor are they informed who carried out the arbitration. Depending on the complexity and theme of the manuscript, it may be evaluated by one or more referees. Papers approved by the referees will be reviewed for style and bibliographic correction.

From this triple evaluation will emerge:

  1. non-acceptance
  2. the acceptance of the article without modifications
  3. the need for modifications by the authors taking into account the suggestions made.


The authors will be returned the manuscript with the final report and in case of situation 3 they will have a period of up to 30 calendar days to return it with the proposed corrections or, failing that, a note justifying the non-completion of these. Once returned, it will be verified that the corrections indicated by the peer reviewers, the style and/or the bibliographical references have been made in order to start the layout and design process. This is the time of the job acceptance date.



Only standard abbreviations will be allowed. Abbreviations will be avoided in the title and in the abstract. When an abbreviation is used for the first time in the text, it will go between parentheses preceded by the complete term, except if it is a common unit of measurement.


Anti-plagiarism system

RUMI has an anti-plagiarism system (Similar Check) so we remind authors that it is imperative that the articles are their intellectual property in all their extension.


Code of ethics

In the case of controlled clinical trials, it must contain the registration identification number in the Ministry of Public Health. In the case of epidemiological studies, the date and/or registration number in which the bioethics committee of the institution gave the endorsement for itself should be referred to.


Papers submitted for evaluation must have been prepared in compliance with international recommendations on clinical research (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki []) and with laboratory animals.


Informed consent

If photographs or patient data are reproduced, they must not identify the subject. In all cases, the authors must have obtained the patient's written informed consent authorizing their publication, reproduction, and disclosure. The original works must have the endorsement of the bioethics committee of the institution where it is carried out. Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to reproduce previously published material (text, tables, or figures). These permissions must be requested from both the author and the publisher that has published said material.


Responsibility of the authors and collaborators



Bibliography publication must follow Vancouver standards. They must be between parentheses and in superscript format, you cannot use the automatic bibliographical reference tool that Word has. The order of appearance in the text will be the order of the bibliography.


Vancouver standards: bibliographical references

Uniform requirements. Vancouver style. Queries:
Consecutively number the citations according to the order in which they are mentioned for the first time in the text (do not use the automatic bullet and numbering tools to list). No more than 40 bibliographic citations . References will be identified by Arabic numerals in parentheses and in superscript . This numbering will be the one that will always appear in the article, whether or not it is accompanied by the name of the authors.
The references to the National Bibliography will be an element of evaluation .
It is recommended not to cite “ abstracts ”, “summaries”, unpublished observations and “personal communications”. The author should check the references with the original publications. Whenever possible, provide DOIs or URLs for references. Keep in mind that it is a refereed Scientific Journal, references to websites must have institutional support, Blogs or commercial pages without scientific support cannot be cited.


RUMI is an open access journal and also adopts the Creative Attribution license Commons ( ), also known as cc- by . This license allows the user to access, distribute and create derivative works, as long as credit is given to the author. The author will retain his rights as author.

The journal does not have any type of charge for the authors, that is, there are no costs for sending articles to be evaluated, nor for the processing of the articles, nor for subscription, nor for any other reason. Likewise, the author will not receive financial royalties or any other type of compensation for the publication.

RUMI processes the DOI for each article and checks its anti-plagiarism , at no cost to the author of the article.

The Journal will upload the article to the SciELO portal soon, following its regulations.



Since February 2024, the magazine adopts the annual continuous publication format. The minimum period between receipt of the article and its publication is 10 to 12 weeks.


Access and dissemination policies

The Uruguayan Society of Internal Medicine and the Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine may disseminate the articles by any printed or electronic means, including the Internet.

RoMEO service that displays the copyright and open access self-archiving policies of scientific journals.

The Uruguayan Journal of Internal Medicine is integrated into the International Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ


Content Responsibility

The content of all the articles, opinions or statements expressed in the Journal, reflect the points of view of the authors, are their exclusive responsibility and do not represent the official opinion of the Editorial Committee or the Board of Directors of the Society of Internal Medicine. of Uruguay, unless expressly indicated.


Digital preservation policies

Scielo Uruguay collection, adheres to the LOCKSS Lots of Copies Keep Program Stuff Safe from Stanford University .

Every year we make a backup on the SUMI server and quarterly on an external disk, of the files of each number in pdf format .

It allows interoperability with international indices and databases such as SciELO ( Scientific Electronic Library on Line).

This journal also adheres to the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE)



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 All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License by 4.0 

© 2016 Sociedad Uruguaya de Medicina Interna

Yaguarón 1407 apto 619
Montevideo - Uruguay

Tel.: +005982 2900 2640