ISSN 0376-4362
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"Veterinaria" (Montevideo) is the official
journal, owned by the Veterinary Medicine Society of Uruguay (SMVU) and, since
2014, the "Official organ of scientific dissemination of the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine." The publication aims to release articles in Spanish
on scientific and technical subjects, as well as other communications of
interest to Veterinary Sciences. It is a continuous open-access publication.
The published issues are maintained on the official Journal website
(, allowing free access to recent editions and
published articles. The contents and opinions included in the articles are the
sole responsibility of the authors. Both manuscript processing and article
publication are free of charge. Partial or total reproduction of the published
material is authorized, with proper source attribution. The journal consists of three distinct sections:
Original Articles, Short Communications, and Reviews. The contents and opinions
included in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. |
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2015 Facultad de Veterinaria - Universidad de la República
Cerro Largo 1895
Montevideo - Uruguay
C.P.: 11200 Montevideo - Uruguay
Tel: (598) 2408-6174 / (598) 2409-9458