ISSN 0376-4362
Veterinary Journal is a periodical scientific publication, which aims
to publish original and unpublished articles on topics of interest to
Veterinary Science in its broadest sense, including topics of animal
health and welfare, animal production, foods of animal origin, and
other sciences related to the Veterinary. Veterinaria (Montevideo) has a simple blind external peer review system. All the works received are evaluated by specialized referees of recognized experience in the subject given by their antecedents of publications in first level magazines. The papers received that include animal experimentation, must clearly detail their adjustment to international standards of ethics, as well as a statement that has been prepared respecting the international recommendations on clinical research (Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association, revision 1996) or, if it were the case, about research with laboratory animals. |
Accepted languages to submit articles to this journal are Spanish,
Portuguese or English. In all cases, an abstract and key words in
English, Spanish and Portuguese must be included. The text must be in
"DOC", "DOCX" or "RTF" format and must not exceed 25 pages A4 size
(including References), with margins of 2.5 cm on each side, 12 point
Times New Roman font with 1.5 spacing and continuous line numbering. Tables (the word table should be used) should go to the end of the manuscript, each one on a separate page and in editable text (not pasted as images), with the titles above them. The figures (the word figure must be used) must go in files (JPG or PNG) independent of the manuscript (one file per figure). The legends of the figures are on a separate sheet following the bibliography and before the tables. In the figures (when appropriate) use black and white frames (not in colors). Both tables and figures must be self-explanatory (must be understood independently of the body of the manuscript). A maximum of five photographs or prints, in color or black and white, may be included as figures. The figures (graphics, photographic images or drawings) will be presented in jpg or png formats with a resolution of at least 600px width. The articles must be original and unpublished. The principal or correspondence author must send a note signed by him and the other authors by email indicating full postal address, telephone, fax and email, stating that they are responsible for the content of the work and that it has not been published or it has been sent simultaneously to no other periodical publication. Exceptionally, the journal will publish dissemination articles of special interest, which will be previously reviewed by the Editorial Board. The papers received will be reviewed first by the Editorial Board, which will appoint two referees (reviewers) for its evaluation, being able to give it the following destinations: accept them, return them to the authors for their adaptation or reject them. The Editorial Board may decide to return the manuscript to the authors for adaptation or even its definitive rejection if it considers that the manuscript is not suitable to be sent to reviewers. Without prejudice to the author's request, the Editorial Board will classify the manuscripts received in: 1. Original article 2. Technical note 4. Review The works accepted for publication become intellectual property of the SMVU leaving the rights of publication of the work under its responsibility. Partial or total reproductions can only be made with the written authorization of the publisher. 1. Original articles It is a publication that describes original results that contain enough information so that another researcher can: evaluate the observations, repeat the experiments and check the conclusions. The text must express the scientific rigor of the work with logic, clarity and precision, with a maximum extension of 7500 words and will be supported by the essential bibliographical citations. Only works whose results have not been previously published, except in a preliminary format (example : summaries in congresses, symposia or conferences). 2. Technical notes They are concise but complete works, which describe a research or report limited in extension, or that result from the combination of a specific result seen in a different context with a novel interpretation. The first diagnoses or case reports can be included in this category of work. Its content, which will not be included in a complete article, must be of sufficient interest to motivate its publication. The text, expressed in a logical, clear and concise, should not exceed 3500 words and will follow the same format as the full articles. 3. Reviews The review articles should cover topics related to the scope of the journal and that are of current interest, and will consist of a way of systematizing the existing information on a topic and a critical analysis of it by the authors. The text, expressed in a logical, clear and precise, must be supported in recent international bibliography and will have a maximum length of 9000 words. The authors must have proven experience in research in the area of knowledge of the review. They can be sent by the authors or by invitation of the Editorial Board. Each author must write down their personal contribution in a contribution note at the end of the article. Example 1: Contribution note: the author is intellectually responsible for the entirety (100%) of the research this study was based on. Example 2: Contribution note: The authors participated equally in the design, data collection, data analysis and revision of the study. Example 3: Contribution note: 1. Concept and study design. 2. Data acquisition. 3. Data analysis. 4. Results discussion. 5. Manuscript writing. 6. Final manuscript approval. Juan Laque participated in parts 1, 2, 3 and 6. Andrés Nuñez took part in 1 and 2. Fancisco Segovia took part in 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Authors must check if the data referenced in their investigation is still available online. If it is, authors must indicate so by using the phrase “Data availability: The data set that supports the results of this study is available at…” If the data is not available use the phrase: “Data availability: the data set that supports the results of this study is not available.” Authors must provide their ORCID number. In case they don’t have one they must apply for one at |
Editorial standards for Original Articles
Title: It will be
brief and clear, reflecting exactly what the work contains. Written in
lowercase and avoiding the use of abbreviations. The title in English
must be included after the title in Spanish. Name of Authors: Full name (or first full name) and last name of the authors. Example: Laura Vidal1, José Gómez2 * Under the names Address. Example: 1 Bovine Department, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Suipacha 698, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2 Department of Cattle, Faculty of Veterinary, UdelaR. Only the complete postal address of the responsible author or correspondence will be detailed, for the other authors only the name of the institution. * Author for correspondence (include email). Summary It will give a clear and precise idea of the content of the article, containing (without subtitles): objectives, methodology, results, conclusion. It should not exceed 250 words, written in a single paragraph after the heading of the title and the authors. It must be written in the past tense. Following the summary, the "key words" (maximum five, separated by commas), obtained from the global text of the article, will be included in the line. Keywords are used to facilitate search engines on indexing platforms, so it is suggested to avoid including words contained in the job title. Summary It must have the same content as the summary in Spanish, written in correct English. Include "keywords" below and in a separate line. Introduction It must be concise and provide the recent and relevant national and international background on the subject. It must convey the importance or transcendence of the research being communicated. It is recommended to avoid an overly detailed review of the literature or a mere summary of the results obtained by other authors. Instead of this, the scientific foundations of the study must be given and the working hypotheses clearly defined, in order to justify the importance of the article. In the last paragraph should specify the objectives of the work. Materials and methods The authors must give sufficient details so that another researcher can repeat the experiments. It must be written in the past tense and in the third person of the singular or plural as appropriate. Clearly describe the experimental design as well as the animals used (eg number, species, gender, breed, age). Mention reagents, drugs or medications by their generic or chemical name or by trademarks patented. The methods and procedures should be bibliographically referenced and include in detail modifications of techniques if applicable. All the details (times, temperatures, etc) must be clearly specified. In case of procedures involving animals, the experimental protocol must have the approval of the competent biosecurity and bioethics committee. The methods of statistical analysis should be clearly stated, including the considered effects, observations and experimental unit / s. It is recommended to include the models used for the analysis. The levels of probability used to declare significant differences and / or trends must be indicated. Results The description of the results obtained must be presented clearly and in the most concise manner possible. First make a general description of them and then you candescribe in tables or figures the data of the experiments. Repetitive or too long data should not be presented. Measurements of the metric system or other conventional measures should be used. In all the results, the significance level must be indicated. It must be written in the past tense and in the third person of the singular or plural according to the corresponding one. Discussion The discussion consists of the search for an explanation of the results obtained, for which a comparison is made with data from the literature. The repetition of the results should be avoided in this item as well as the mere comparison of the results themselves with those of other authors. Instead, the relationships between the observed facts should be shown, contrasting them with the hypothesis of the experiment itself and / or with the theories, results or conclusions of other authors in order to explain the findings. Bibliographical references should be applied to the experiment and not overrun with details not studied. The meaning of the results must be stated, avoiding repetitions. Written in the past tense in the third person of the singular or plural as appropriate. Conclusions The conclusions must be clear, concise and precise and must reflect the information presented in terms of the hypotheses and the objectives set. The partial conclusions obtained from different results of the work should be summarized and globalized. Avoid overly general conclusions. There must be a total coherence between the objectives, the results and the conclusions, and this item may include recommendations or implications of the work. Thanks The name of the persons and the institution to which they belong must be included, making the reason for the acknowledgment. It should be written concisely and refer to materials or equipment and financial support. Bibliography and References The journal uses the APA format for bibliographic references. It is recommended to pay special attention given that poorly referenced works will not be accepted. This journal uses the APA format for bibliographic references. Paying attention is highly recommended as poorly referenced work will not be accepted. In text citation: The author or authors’ (if there’s two) last name(s) must be separated by “and”, followed by a comma and the year of publication. Example: (González and Rodríguez, 2005). If there are more than three authors “et al.” should be used, followed by the publication year. Example: (Riet-Correa et al., 1984). If more than one author is cited, their last names should be written in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. There shouldn’t be more than four backup citations. References: References should be itemized in alphabetical order by the author’s last names as follows: Last name followed by a comma and a space. The first letter of the author’s(s) first name, followed by a dot. Example: González, R. In the case of articles with more than one author, their names should be separated by a comma (,). Names should be followed by the year of publication written in parentheses: González, R., López, A. (1989). More than one reference by the same author should be itemized in decreasing chronological order. When referencing journal: Last name, First name initial. (year). Article title. Journal name, volume(number), page range. Example using APA 6th edition: Dobson, J. M., Samuel, S., Milstein, H., Rogers, K., y Wood, J. L. (2002). Canine neoplasia in the UK: estimates of incidence rates from a population of insured dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 43(6), 240-246. When referencing books: Last name, First name initial. (year). Book title (ed.). City: Publisher. Example using APA 6th edition: Rosemberger, G. (1983). Enfermedades de los bovinos (2a ed.). Berlín: Paul Parey. When referencing a book chapter: Last name, First name initial. (year). Chapter title. In Book title (ed, page range). City: Publisher. Example using APA 6th edition: Dirksen, G. (1983). Enfermedades del aparato digestivo. In Enfermedades de los bovinos (2a. ed., pp. 235–242). Berlín: Paul Parey. When referencing congresses and events: Last name, First name initial. (year). Article title. In Congress name (page range). City: Publisher. Example using APA 6th edition: Wells, S. J., y Godden, S. M. (2015). Epidemiología, diagnóstico y estrategias de control de la paratuberculosis bovina. En Jornadas Uruguayas de Buiatría (Vol. XLIII, pp. 45-51). Paysandú: Centro Médico Veterinario de Paysandú. When referencing a thesis: Last name, First name initial. (year). Thesis title (thesis level). University, City. Recovered from URL. Example using APA 6th edition: Ferrés Cáceres, I. (2019). Desarrollo, implementación y optimización de herramientas de genómica comparativa para el género Leptospira (Tesis de Maestría). Udelar, Montevideo. Recuperado de When referencing websites: Organization’s name. (year). Website’s title. Recovered from URL. Example using APA 6th edition: Asociación Rural del Uruguay. (s.f.). Registros genealógicos. Recuperado de Tables: The tables must have a correlative identification number that corresponds to the text in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). The tables must have a correlative identification number that will appear in the text and will contain a title text at the top. It is reiterated that they must be included at the end of the manuscript, each one in a separate sheet and in editable text (not pasted as images). The format should be simple, with horizontal lines of black color, without vertical lines and with simple horizontal lines separating the title of the columns of data and in black. You can include notes at the bottom of the table, explaining the abbreviations contained in it, in a letter of size 10 points, in order to allow the table to be self-explanatory. Example of title: Table 1. Variation of temperature as a function of time. Example of a table: T = temperature, t = time (in minutes). If the table is not original, cite the source (Author and year) in the table footer. Figures: The figures must have a correlative identification number that corresponds to the text in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) and contain a content definition text (legend), which includes the definition of the symbols used. The legends (which, as noted, will be separate from it, in the manuscript file following the bibliography and before the tables) should allow the figure to be self-explanatory. Enhistograms or line graphs use only black and white and differentiate bars with different frames and dotted lines, solid, etc. It is recommended to include dispersion measures (deviation, standard error, etc.) in the bar graphs and lines that contain data. If the figure is not original, cite the source (Author and year) in footnote. It is reiterated that all the figures (graphics, photographic images or drawings) will be presented in jpg or png formats with a resolution of at least 600px width. The figures must be limited to the indispensable minimum. The photos must contain a reference scale. Equations: The equations will be sent in the same format as the figures, numbered separately as with the word "equation" followed by a number (equation 1, equation 2, etc). The clarification of the symbols used will be included in the text of the manuscript, following the line where it is indicated that the equation should go (see below) The authors are requested to indicate, within the manuscript, the place where each of the tables, figures and equations that are part of the work should be inserted, including a line with the text "insert table XX here", "insert figure YY here "or" insert equation ZZ here ", as appropriate. |
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2015 Facultad de Veterinaria - Universidad de la República
Cerro Largo 1895
Montevideo - Uruguay
C.P.: 11200 Montevideo - Uruguay
Tel: (598) 2408-6174 / (598) 2409-9458