Focus and scope
Páginas de Educación is a refereed journal
published by the Universidad Católica del Uruguay. The journal seeks to
establish a bridge between academic research and professional experience from
the conviction in the synergy that is generated by intertwining scientific
knowledge with field practices. Its mission is to offer a rigorous academic
platform where these voices converge. Páginas de Educación is
aimed at researchers in educational sciences and professionals in that area,
school psychologists and educational psychologists, providing content that
enriches and broadens their perspectives and knowledge.
The topics of interest for the magazine are initial
training and professional teacher development; coexistence, well-being and
inclusion; teaching, learning and assessment; pedagogical leadership,
educational management and curricular design. The journal receives applications
for research articles, systematic literature reviews, and short communications
in Spanish. Occasionally, it publishes articles in English and Portuguese. In
addition, each year it offers a dossier or thematic issue with a guest
co-editor. Since 2024 preprints are accepted.
Since 2024, the journal Páginas de Educación adopted
the continuous publication mode, with an annual volume integrated by two
semiannual issues (January-June and July-December). It is a scientific, indexed
and refereed biannual publication. It is indexed in Emerging
Sources Citation Index (ESCI of Web of Science), Latindex and Qualis CAPES; distributed
in Scielo, Dialnet and EBSCO databases, and registered in Directory of
Open Access Journals (DOAJ), IRESIE, LA Referencia, LatinREV, SILO and Timbó. The journal
is member of the Asociación Uruguaya de Revistas Académicas (AURA) and is also in the social network X.
Section policies
Articles. Research articles and
systematic literature review articles. They have a maximum of 8,000 words
(excluding references, tables and figures). Double-blind peer-reviewed section.
Brief communication. This section has a
practice-focused approach. Professionals from the educational field or
academics who work with professionals are invited to present an area of
research with an emphasis on its application and evaluation in practice.
Manuscripts should present theoretically sound principles, and illustrate how
they have been synthesized into practical procedures with data evaluating their
effectiveness. A detailed description of the procedures should be included to
facilitate implementation in practice. Priority will be given to manuscripts
that illustrate the links between research and practice. Implications for
practice should also be included. It has a maximum length of 4,000 words
(excluding references, tables and figures). Double-blind peer-reviewed section.
Publication frequency
Since 2024, the journal Páginas de Educación is
published in the continuous publication mode, with two issues per year. The
first issue from January to June and the second from July to December, which
are integrated into an annual volume.
Financing sources
Páginas de Educación is part of the
Vice-Rector’s Office for Research and Development of Universidad Católica del Uruguay, in its Publications
Unit. The journal is financed by Universidad Católica del Uruguay and does not
request any type of charge for presenting, evaluating or publishing the
Open access policy
Páginas de Educación promotes and supports
the movement of open access to knowledge for the common good, so the journal
provides free and immediate access to its content, under the principle that
offering society the scientific and academic production, without restrictions,
contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge. Under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), users have the power
to view, download, store, print, search, index and create links to the texts, to
the extent that the original source and the person in charge of its authorship
is cited in all cases and situations.
Following the Guidelines for
Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP)
in Journal Policies and Practices,
in compliance with Level 1 of Guideline 2
(Data Transparency), authors are required to include in the articles that result from original research a section on “Data Availability” in which they report whether the dataset used in their research is available and, if so, where to access it.
Digital preservation policy
Through the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), the
journal Páginas de Educación is guaranteed a permanent and
secure archive. LOCKSS is an open-source program developed by the Stanford
University Library that allows libraries to preserve selected web journals by
regularly searching registered journals to collect and archive newly published
content. Each file is continuously validated against records from other
libraries, so that any damaged or lost content can be restored. The articles
have DOI (Digital Object Identifier) granted by the Crossref registration agency. Through the PKP
Preservation Network, preservation is also provided for any journal that is
in Open Journal Systems.
Ethical guidelines
The journal ensures good practices in academic
publishing by following the guidelines established by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). The ethical
principles and other policies related to transparency, responsibility,
intellectual property and reproduction rights, among others, are detailed
Authors‘ responsibility and authorial contribution
Authors of a manuscript are considered to be those
persons who have made a significant contribution to the final product.
Authors should present results of rigorous,
transparent and ethical research processes, assuming responsibility for the
published research. Their research methods should be described, in such a way
that the scientific community can corroborate or replicate the study.
When submitting their papers, authors must complete,
sign and attach this Authorship Responsibility Statement in which, among other
information, they declare that their work is original and unpublished. Authors
should refrain from submitting the manuscript simultaneously to two or more
Authors should carefully select the order of
appearance of their names in the submitted paper. The first author will be
considered the senior author and, unless otherwise specified, will oversee
correspondence with the journal. After the article has been submitted, changes
can only be made to the list of authors, both in the order and in adding or
deleting people, by sending an e-mail to the Editorial Board and explaining the
reasons for the changes.
For reasons of transparency, each author of a
manuscript must declare his or her specific contribution, for which the CRediT taxonomy of roles is followed.
Any controversy related to the authorship of a
manuscript should be communicated by e-mail to the journal, and will be
resolved by the Editorial Board and communicated to the parties involved in the
shortest possible time.
Conflicts of interest
All those involved in the editorial processing of a
manuscript must make explicit and/or alert, at any stage of the process, about
any personal, academic, political, financial or other interest that may
influence or compromise in any way the evaluation and publication of the work.
When submitting their manuscripts, authors must make
explicit any possible conflicts of interest, as well as inform if their work
has received any type of funding or economic support from agencies, projects or
individuals, and make explicit any possible link with parties interested in the
research submitted for consideration by the journal.
The reviewers convened by the journal for the
evaluation of manuscripts are responsible for alerting the Editorial Board of
any conflict of interest or circumstance that may prevent them from carrying
out the task in a suitable and objective manner.
In cases in which a member of the Editorial Board has
a conflict of interest or is an interested party in the publication process of
an article submitted to the journal, he/she will be replaced in his/her
responsibilities by another member of the team, who will be in charge of
managing the editorial process with independence and without compromising the
principles of confidentiality and privacy of information.
Plagiarism detection policy
Authors are committed to submit original and
unpublished articles. This implies the absence of plagiarism (appropriation of
ideas or phrases from third parties) or self-plagiarism (duplicate publication
without attribution or excessive self-citation).
Authors should indicate, by means of a note on the
first page of the article submitted, whether it was prepared from materials
available in previous publications, repositories or on the web. The contents
reused in the manuscripts must be duly referenced in accordance with the APA 7
citation guidelines. The degree of self-citation allowed will be at the
discretion of the editor in charge, according to each case and in accordance
with the guidelines mentioned above.
As part of the initial process of receiving articles
and the formal review of submissions, the journal performs a plagiarism check
of the manuscript using Crossref and Turnitin software.
If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected in an
article, the Editorial Team has the authority to reject the submission directly
or to contact the authors to request the corresponding explanations and the
necessary adjustments.
When the submitted articles require modifications by
the authors —as part of the result of peer review— the new version of the paper
will be subjected to the analysis of anti-plagiarism software.
Beyond the technical analysis performed by the
journal, all participants in the editorial process (editors, reviewers, as well
as readers of an article once it has been published) can alert the responsible
editor or the journal to a possible detection of plagiarism by sending an
e-mail. Actions to be taken when plagiarism is reported are addressed in the
section “Management of corrections, complaints and claims”.
Policies regarding the use of generative artificial intelligence
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is not
recognized as the author of the work and the ultimate responsibility for the
content lies with the undersigned authors.
The use of AI tools should be explicitly stated by the
authors in the manuscript, in the methodological section, detailing which tool
was used and for what purpose.
Review policies and responsibility of reviewers
Articles published in the journal are submitted to
external peer review, using the double-blind refereeing system. Details of the
evaluation process can be found in the Review process section.
Reviewers undertake to referee articles on a voluntary
and honorary basis, in order to contribute to improve the quality of the papers
through an objective and constructive review. They must be free of conflicts of
interest in relation to the study submitted for evaluation.
They should follow the evaluation guidelines provided
by the journal and comply with both the policies of the evaluation process and
the deadlines stipulated for the task.
The manuscript under review is a confidential
document, implying that reviewers may not quote or use the material or
distribute copies of the work to others. If a reviewer intends to consult a
third party about any aspect of the work, he/she must ask permission from the
editor beforehand.
Management of corrections, complaints and claims
The journal will receive via e-mail indications
of corrections in the content of published articles, complaints of any kind
involving the content of publications, and allegations of research misconduct
or plagiarism. These communications may be made at any time during the
publication process of an article by any of the parties involved in it or by
the community of readers after the publication of the articles.
The Editorial Board will analyze each case following
the guidelines provided by COPE for each
scenario and will take the corresponding measures for each situation.
In all cases, we will proceed with maximum
transparency and the complainant will receive a response on the actions taken
by the magazine based on his or her complaint. The persons or institutions
involved in the particular case will also be contacted, following up as
necessary in each circumstance.
The magazine will communicate, by means of notices
published on its website and available to all readers on the home page, any
significant news related to the content of the articles.
In the case of errors made by the authors or
controversies related to authorship, a correction will be published; whereas,
if the error was made by the Editorial Team, an erratum will be published.
Communications about errors will be made only when the information is incorrect
or affects the content of the research; minor corrections such as spelling or
typographical adjustments will not be announced.
Retractions are reserved for cases of plagiarism,
duplicate publication, or research that presents errors of such seriousness as
to compromise its results or conclusions. Any retractions will be analyzed by
the responsible editor in consultation with the Editorial Board, the reviewers
and the authors of the article in question. All authors involved must be
notified, and declare to the journal that they accept the retraction.
In such cases, the article will be withdrawn and a
notice will be published identifying the title of the retracted article, the
names and affiliations of the authors of the article, and the reasons for the
decision taken. The retraction will also be included as a document in the Table
of Contents of the issue corresponding to the retracted article.
More details on the retraction process can be found
in COPE.
Complaints or denunciations against the journal, its
staff, the Editorial Board or the responsible editor can be sent to the Vice
Rector’s Office for Research and Innovation (vii@ucu.edu.uy).
Data Availability
Following the SciELO Guidelines for
Transparency and Openness Promotion in Journal Policies and Practices
(Transparency and Openness Promotion) on data
transparency, authors of articles resulting from original research should
report whether the dataset used in their study is available and, if so, where
to access it.
Some possible repositories for open data are: SciELO Data, Mendeley Data, Zenodo, DANS, DataHub, FigShare.
In case the authors have their data in any server,
they should state it alongside the submission as follows: “The dataset
supporting the results of this study is available at [name and link to
If not, they should include the following statement:
“The dataset supporting the results of this study is not available”.
In all cases, authors should make the research data
available to the referees, if required.
Ethical oversight and responsibility of the Editorial
The responsible editor and the Editorial Board are
committed to supervise the publication processes, following the highest ethical
The editors will ensure that the articles are
peer-reviewed by specialists in the subject, clearly informing about the rules
of publication and respecting the confidentiality and anonymity of the
arbitration process. Editors may not distribute copies of a manuscript under
review to persons outside the review process, nor cite the material in their
own publications until it has been accepted and published.
Manuscripts submitted for review must meet the international
ethical standards set forth by the American Psychological Association and
the Declaration of
For all research involving human subjects and animal
experimentation, the submission of an Ethics Committee approval will be
considered. This approval should provide specific details regarding the
institution and the committee that granted it, including the corresponding
number and date. The Method section should include a subsection on ethical
considerations, detailing the main aspects related to procedures and informed
consents pertinent to the study, as well as mentioning the approval
(identification number and/or issuing institution) if available.
In research involving potentially vulnerable persons
or groups (whether due to age, disability, gender, racial and ethnic identity,
sexual orientation, socioeconomic level, institutionalization, among others, as
well as their possible intersections), the procedures and specific care taken
to ensure compliance with the ethical guidelines that apply to research with
these populations will be detailed.
Use of language
Authors are encouraged to use language that does not
discriminate or reproduce discriminatory biases based on gender, race, age,
disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc.
Open Access Policies
The journal operates under the Vice-Rectorate for
Research and Development of Universidad Católica del Uruguay and is part of the
Publications Unit of the Ágora Center. The journal is funded by Universidad
Católica del Uruguay and does not charge any fees for submission, evaluation,
or publication of articles.
This journal provides open access to all its content,
based on the principle that offering the public free access to research
promotes a greater global exchange of knowledge.
If the manuscript is accepted, the authors agree to
transfer the copyright to the journal according to the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), open access
system, with the authors retaining responsibility for the content and opinions
expressed, which do not reflect the views or scientific policy of the journal.
The authors hereby declare that their work does not
infringe on the rights of third parties and that they are the sole holders of
the property rights being transferred, allowing them to dispose of these rights
without any limitations or encumbrances. They also declare that, in creating
the work subject to this transfer, they have not violated any third-party
intellectual property rights. Consequently, the authors are obliged to
guarantee the authorship and originality of the work’s content to the journal
and ensure the peaceful exercise of the transferred rights. The authors will be
responsible for any claims made by third parties regarding intellectual
property rights over the work, thus exempting the journal from any liability.
They will also be liable for any damages that may be caused to the journal due
to such claims.
The article’s content will not be subject to any other
rights by any other publication, nor has it been previously published. If
tables or figures from other publications are reproduced, written permission
from the authors or copyright holders will be provided as appropriate. In all
cases, the APA guidelines for presenting tables and figures will be
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal
will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth therein and will not be
provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.
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Av. 8 de Octubre 2738
CP 11600 Montevideo, Uruguay