As part of the submission process, authors are
required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following
items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these
Review process
I. Manuscript reception and first phase evaluation
Authors’ contributions are managed by the scientific
editor and the technical editor under the advice of the associate editors. Once
the formal requirements of the publication have been verified, it is analyzed
in the first phase by the Editorial Team, who may: a) accept the submission for
external review; b) suggest modifications; or c) reject it. In the latter case,
the scientific editor may or may not give feedback to the authors. This first
phase takes an average of three months.
II. Second phase of evaluation by external
double-blind peers
The articles are sent for evaluation to expert judges
in the area, at the rate of two per paper. When it is a frontier area in a
field of science, referees are sent as necessary. In the evaluation process,
extreme care is taken to maintain the confidentiality of authors and referees
(double-blind system). The journal has a simple article evaluation form, as a guide for refereeing. Four results may arise
from this phase: a) publishable without changes; b) publishable with
suggestions; c) publishable with modifications; and d) not publishable.
In all cases, the reviewers prepare a report based on
their opinion. The Editorial Team may resort to other referees in cases where
the conclusions of the designated evaluators are incompatible with each other
or there are doubts as to methodological aspects.
Once the evaluators’ assessment is generated, it is
analyzed by the scientific editor, who prepares a communication to the authors
about the result of the evaluation. The authors must make the requested
modifications within approximately 15 days. Then, the Editorial Team, taking into
account the considerations of the referees, confirms that the modified text
includes the observations made. The scientific editor is responsible for the
final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the articles. This decision is
The process of external evaluation of each article
takes an average of six months, which may vary according to the nature of the
considerations or the need for consultation with other experts.
The article rejection rate for 2023 was 85 %.
III. Publication
Once the final version of the manuscript has been
accepted, the technical team oversees editing and layout of the manuscript and,
if necessary, contacts the authors to make adjustments prior to publication.
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication,
the Editorial Team reserves the right to decide the order of appearance and in
which issue and volume it will be published.
Páginas de Educación accepts
submissions year-round. All submissions must be made through the online platform OJS. Since 2024, preprints are
Preparation of the
1. Title. Brief and
informative. The title should be in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Avoid
abbreviations and formulas whenever possible.
2. Names of authors and
affiliations. The first and last names of each author should be clearly
indicated along with their ORCID number. In addition, each author’s
institutional affiliation should be indicated along with his/her e-mail
3. Abstract. It
consists of a paragraph (no more than 250 words) that synthesizes the
manuscript, emphasizing the methodology, results and conclusions. It should be
presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Keywords. Immediately after the abstract, a maximum of five keywords
should be provided. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes, it is
recommended that they follow the guidelines of the Thesaurus of the area.
Keywords should be in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
5. Traditional
sections. This varies according to the case, but in general the papers
will have introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion (see
Article structure).
6. Citation of
sources. It should follow the guidelines of the 7th edition of the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). See basic guidelines and examples.
7. Tables and
figures. Tables should be submitted as editable text and not as images.
Tables and figures should be integrated into the text and not at the end. They
should be numbered according to the order in which they are presented.
8. List of
references. References should be in APA 7th edition format, alphabetically
ordered and with hanging indentation.
9. Data
availability. For articles resulting from original research, authors must
explain whether their data is available in an open repository and where to
access it. This information is completed in the Authorship Responsibility Statement document.
Possible open data repositories are: SciELO Data, Mendeley Data, Zenodo, DANS, DataHub, FigShare.
Article structure
Articles. All research
articles or systematic reviews must contain the following sections:
Brief communication | Best
practices. Manuscripts submitted
to this section should include the following sections:
Authorship Responsibility
All authors of the article
must read, complete and sign the following Authorship Responsibility Statement. This must be
included in the submission, together with the manuscript and the anonymous
How to prepare the
anonymous file for review
To ensure double-blind
review, authors should prepare a file that does not contain any information
that could reveal their identity to potential reviewers.
Authors must take into
account the following aspects:
Research articles and
systematic literature review articles. They have a maximum of 8,000 words
(excluding references, tables and figures). Double-blind peer-reviewed section.
Brief communication | Best practices
Publish documentation and
share effective, replicable teaching practices that have been successfully
implemented in real educational settings. The articles should provide
educators, administrators, and other education professionals with concrete tools
that they can apply in their own contexts, focusing on practicality and direct
applicability. Submissions should not exceed 4,000 words, excluding tables,
references, and appendices.
Copyright Notice
If the manuscript is
accepted, the authors agree to transfer the copyright to the journal according
to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), open access system, with the authors retaining responsibility
for the content and opinions expressed, which do not reflect the views or
scientific policy of the journal.
The authors hereby declare
that their work does not infringe on the rights of third parties and that they
are the sole holders of the property rights being transferred, allowing them to
dispose of these rights without any limitations or encumbrances. They also
declare that, in creating the work subject to this transfer, they have not
violated any third-party intellectual property rights. Consequently, the
authors are obliged to guarantee the authorship and originality of the work’s
content to the journal and ensure the peaceful exercise of the transferred
rights. The authors will be responsible for any claims made by third parties
regarding intellectual property rights over the work, thus exempting the
journal from any liability. They will also be liable for any damages that may
be caused to the journal due to such claims.
The article’s content will
not be subject to any other rights by any other publication, nor has it been
previously published. If tables or figures from other publications are
reproduced, written permission from the authors or copyright holders will be
provided as appropriate. In all cases, the APA guidelines for presenting tables
and figures will be followed.
Privacy Statement
The names and email
addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set
forth therein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other
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