ISSN 0797-9789 Printed version
ISSN 1688-499X Online version 



Submitting articles

Manuscript processing charges

General guidelines

Intellectual Property


Further information

Submitting articles

The articles must be unpublished. The authors must address the Editor and sent them in “Word” digital format to the following e-mail address:

Manuscript processing charges

The Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política does not apply any charge for submission, evaluation or publication of manuscripts. Being so, the authors are free of any kind of financial obligation with the RUCP.

General guidelines

1. Length of the articles
Articles must not exceed 9,000 words arranged in 1.5 spacing of one-sided A4 white pages. Margins must be Word pre defined (superior and inferior: 2.5cm; left and right: 3cm)
2. Editing
2.1. Title and author’s identification
 Use asterisk after the title to call out footnotes that make any necessary clarifications. For instance, being the article already included as part of any book, journal, or consisting it of a paper presented at a seminar, etc.
Use asterisk to call out footnotes to write down institutional affiliation and other details, among which e-mail addresses might be included.

2.2. Typography
 Titles, subtitles as well as the rest of the text must be written in 12-points Times New Roman. Notes must be written in 10-points Times New Roman.
Titles must be numbered (1.,2.,3., etc.) in bold letters using no period by their ending.
Subtitles must neither take a period by their ending. They must be written in italics. One space must be left above each subtitle and one space below it.
To make clarifications or include subordinate phrases or clauses medium size hyphen must be used (Alt+0150). They must be immediately attached to the hyphenated word or phrase.
Stops, commas, colons and semicolons must immediately follow the precedent word and be followed by a space.
When possible, underlining should be avoided and replaced by italics.
To transcribe or quote use double quotation marks (“”). To set off quotations within quotations use guillemets («»)
If some material is left out from within a quotation, you need to use an ellipsis enclosed in brackets [...].

2.3. Graphics
Graphics must be submitted in a different file in their original format (if possible use Excel programme). They must be adequately numbered identifying their place within the text.
Print advices and reminders:
Printing is black and white thus, we suggest graphics to be in shades of black in order to avoid colour mistakes
Graphics are normally printed in smaller size than in their original version. Thus, authors are asked to be extremely cautious when designing them in order not to lose definition in lines, threads, tones, number of columns, etc.

2.4. Tables
They must be clearly numbered. Tables will only have horizontal lines. References to sources or any clarifications will appear below them. Word (auto format Basic 1) is recommended. Space bar should never be used.
Table/chart number and title: bold 10-points fonts
Texts and numbers: 10-points fonts
Fonts: italics 9-points

2.5. Cites and bibliography
Bibliography will be cited by the end of each article. It will appear in the following order: Surname, Name / year / Title in italics, publisher reference or institution publishing it, city or country. In case it is an article in book or journal, the title will go between quotation marks “.”and the title of the book or journal written in italics.
Some examples are shown below:
Hjalmarsson, Lennart (1990). "El Modelo Escandinavo de Política Industrial", en Magnus Blomström and Patricio Meller (coords.) Trayectorias Divergentes: Comparación de un Siglo de Desarrollo Económico Latinoamericano y Escandinavo, Santiago de Chile: CIEPLAN–Hachette.
Haggard, Stephan (1990). Pathways from the Periphery: The Politics of Growth in the Newly Industrializing Countries, New York: Cornell University Press.
Geddes, Barbara (1994). "Challenging the Conventional Wisdom", Journal of Democracy, October. Volume 5, Number 4, pp 104 – 118.
For in-text citation, use the American style. Within parentheses: Author, space, year, colon, page number or range of pages. For instance: (Williams 1998), (Shugart 1997:143), (Roberts 1995:17-21), (Huntington 1994; Acuña 1993).

2.6. Footnotes
They will be correlatively numbered and placed at the foot of the text (not by its ending), inserted by the ordinary function (insert + footnote + auto numbered)

2.7. Summaries
The authors must submit summaries. They must be at the beginning of the article, following the author’s name and preceding the body of the text. They will have up to 120 words. An abstract and the title translated into English should also be provided by the author.

Data transparency

Original articles must be submitted with a section called "Data Availability," informing if the data set is available and, if so, where to access it. If the author has his research data on a server, he must declare it within the article: "The data set that supports the results of this study are available at...". Otherwise, authors must include a sentence in the article stating, "The data set that supports the results of this study is not available."

Intellectual Property

All content of the Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type (cc-by-nc). This is an open access journal.


The selection of articles is done through the double-blind refereeing process. The authors and referees remain anonymous. The latter are two, being one Uruguayan and   the other international. They evaluate the articles following these six criteria: (a) academic pertinence (b) novelty of the content (c) pertinence of the framework and of the theoretical background (d) quality of the analysis (e) outcomes to enrich theory (f) quality of the writing.

Further information

Should the author have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Coordinator:

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